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HorseWell, Inc.
HorseWell was designed to provide real muscle relief, stimulation and comfort to your horse. It was created specifically for the release of myofascial tension in the equine body.

How Did The HorseWell Massager Come To Be?
Just ask the creator of the HorseWell Massager, active horsewoman, Megan Welles! Says Megan, “ Working as a nurse in the hospital, I was able to watch physical therapist perform myofascial release on patients. Their outcomes were impressive. Patients experienced less pain, had better range of motion, and better posture. Shortly after this experience, I was driving to a barrel race and wondered why there wasn't myofascial release for horses. I did some investigating and found out equine massage therapist have been using their hands for fascia release. Some therapists were using human blades on horses. After realizing this I went to work on measuring different muscle groups on horses of all kinds, went to massage school, read every article about fascia release that I could and came up with a prototype. I printed 12 massagers with a 3D printer and sent them out to 11 trainers in all different equine disciplines. I got 100% approval for this product from them. From there I went to work on creating the massager available today!”

What is Fascia and How Is It Important To My Horse?

Fascia is a web of fibrous, connective tissue that has many jobs. Some might say the most important job of fascia is to hold the body together. Fascia can be thought of as a body suit that surrounds each layer of the body and pulls everything together towards the core. Without this tissue, muscles would be unstable like jelly, organs would slide out of place, and fluid would pool at the feet.

How Does Facia Release Work In Horses?
Like humans, equine can experience facial fatigue. To help alleviate this fatigue, equine experts have started to use myofascial release: a comprehensive, whole body, hands-on approach that restores the necessary slack in the connective tissue web to help eliminate lameness and enhance a horse’s performance. Although myofascial release is just starting to be recognized in the equine world, more massage therapists, body workers, and veterinarians are utilizing the healing qualities of fascia release. As horses receive this therapy, benefits and results are undeniable. Adding this therapy weekly will show immediate results and even more benefits in time.

Just What IS The HorseWell Massager?

This is a new tool created specifically for the release of myofascial tissue in the equine body. The massager is not only needed but is a critical part of keeping horses healthy. Without regular massage horses experience tension that can hold thousands of pounds of pressure. This simple tool allows you to massage your horse 3-4 times a week creating supple fascia. With well hydrated and supple fascia, horses can feel their best and perform to the best of their ability.

How Does It’s Shape Help My Horse?
The shape of the HorseWell Massager allows for each muscle group in the equine body to be massaged with one tool. The tapering edge on the massager gives the perfect angle to pull and release the fascia that can otherwise be difficult to work. Using this tool makes it easier on the person performing the massage while giving the most effective massage in just 10-15 minutes a session.

What Benefits Can I Expect For My Horse With Regular, Consistent Use?
With applying the HorseWell Massager to your equine’s routine, you will gain these benefits:

* With using fascia release 3-4 times a week, horses will have a reversal to chronic pain they have been experiencing. Chronic pain not only interferes with performance but aids in other issues such as ulcers, overcompensating, and mental health.

* This tool also helps release tight tissues that need to be lengthened and increase range of motion. This helps to prevent injuries during the events we ask horses to do every day. Lengthened muscles allow for proper movement and decrease the chance of pulling muscles and causing injury.

* Improper movements due to pain can hinder training techniques. Helping to massage painful areas will help trainers make sessions a good experience for the horse. For example, tension in the fascia of the neck can cause pain resulting in that particular horse not wanting to flex in the direction being asked. This can then lead to other issues of unbalanced movement, overcompensating on one extremity and so on.

* Removal of lactic acid and other bodily toxins that linger in fascia and muscle tissues can be done with the HorseWell Massager.

* Increase your horse’s circulation by massage. While working the fascia and muscles you are also improving and moving the bodies blood through tissues. When working on focused areas, the manipulation on that muscle will also send messages to the body to increase circulation to the affected area as necessary. This can be especially beneficial prior to performing.

* Lastly, strengthen the bond between horse and rider. While massaging your horse, they will feel less pain, enjoy spending time with you and enjoy the bodywork. They will enjoy their riding session, and overall quality of life improves.

How Much Pressure Should I Apply?
The HorseWell Massager is used by applying light to moderate pressure on the edge of the blade into the horses muscle. Then using a motion to pull the massager towards the body and move it down the muscle. The massager should be pulled along the muscle fibers. A lighter and faster stroke will increase circulation, work the fascia and give a light massage. A deeper and slower stroke will give a great massage to the muscle, improve restriction, remove lactic acid and other bodily fluids, increase range of motion, and help build a horse/rider relationship.
Note: However, you do not want to use pressure over bony prominences or on the spine. This can cause painful bruising.

How Often Should I Use The HorseWell Massager?

The HorseWell massager can be used every day or just a couple days a week. Whenever you have a little extra time is a great time for a massage! It can be used before or after exercising or whenever there is extra downtime. Any massage is better than no massage. You do not want to use the massager for long periods of time in one session. A 15 minute massage will do wonders for your horse!
Note: A massage has the best outcomes if it is used at lease three times a week. Horses who are not in hard work, would benefit from at least a weekly massage. Your horse will also tell you via body language what areas a little tender and areas that it just feels great.

What Does InfoHorse Say About the HorseWell Massager?
“We couldn’t be more pleased, or, more surprised and how well this amazing little tool works! All the horses on our staff LOVE LOVE LOVE it! They immediately relax and settle in— sometimes even leaning into the pressure when we get a spot that really seems to need it! I highly recommend this for both performance horses— and even pleasure horses— every horse deserves to feel their best and to have the release from muscle tightness and stress that horses so often have! Easy to use, effective, and the horses LOVE it!
- Ann Pruitt, Director

What Do Other Horse Owners Say About HorseWell Massager?

I think this is a long time coming and should have been out a long time ago. Horses are big strong animals and require massage. You can tell a horse owner has made this; it is tremendously user friendly.

Dr Paul Wollenman, DVM

Everyone likes the blade a lot. Shanna is really into it and is mastering her technique. I just love it and really suggest it. We are using and enjoying the blade.

Charlie Carrel    Grand Prix Show Jumper

I let a client who has several other blades try it out with her horse after our session (he has horrible scar tissue on the scapula) she said she prefers your prototype to the blades she currently owns. I used it today on a weanling, he came in with blunt trauma to the pelvic girdle. His psoas were so tight and rigid. I do a lot of myofascial release by hand but this required a bit more and he absolutely loved it. Most of the horses have really liked it. Some fascial releases can be painful, so far I've heard none of them be upset over it!
Millie Woody

At Only
$69.99 Every Horse Owner Can Afford The Comfort HorseWell Massager Offers!
Get RID of Lactic Acid, and thousands of pounds of discomfort! Made from fiberglass infused Nylon, the HorseWell Massager is durable to withstand freezing temperatures and 100+ degrees.The edge is designed with the scientific knowledge of fascia release. The curves to this blade conform to every muscle group that needs to be massaged on your equine partner. You will love seeing how much YOUR horse LOVES the HorseWell Massager! Be sure to order yours and one for each of your horse friends—  today!!

Contact: Megan Welles
P.O. Box 1037
Buffalo, Wyoming 82834
Phone: 307-217-8696
Website: Click Here To Connect

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