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Imagine a Horse
Looking for a deeper relationship with better control? Trick Training with Imagine a Horse with Allen Pogue and Suzanne De Laurentis is your answer! Easy step-by-step programs to enjoy for years to come!

About Allen Pogue and Suzanne De Laurentis of “Imagine A Horse” 
Allen Pogue developed the pattern of success for Imagine a Horse nearly 40 years ago with a small herd of Arabian horses. His methods are gentle and effective and always preserve the individuality of the horse. With decades of humane horse training experience under his belt Allen offers a gentle expertise that is both effective and rare.


Sue De Laurentis  Sue is Allen's wife and spent the early years of her life in corporate sales and Marketing which she applied to create Imagine a Horse with Allen. Her many years as a horse trainer prepared her to bring feminine aspects to Trick Horse Training.

NEVER Done “Trick Training”? Don’t Worry!
Guess what, no one has ever done it— until they start!  Our Step-by-Step process combines Classical elements with applied behavioral principles and has earned praise with all levels of expertise: from newcomers and experienced hands throughout the field of horsemanship as well as from PhDs in animal ethology. This means YOUR learning path, if followed, guarantees success!

More Than “Trick Training”, You’ll Gain A True Understanding of Horses!       
Imagine A Horse goes light years beyond the simple mechanics  of "how" and illuminates the "whys" and the benefits to the horse. It really is all about the horse! This is an incremental program designed with success in mind for folks new to horses and long time professionals as well. 

How Do I Know If MY Horse Is A Candidate?
So many horses are a natural’ for trick training!! Does your horse have any of the following behaviors? 

•  Offer inquisitive behaviors?
•  Attempt to manipulate world or circumstances?
•  Use objects to get attention?
•  Look at you with both eyes?
•  Have a sense of humor?
•  Attempt Houdini like behavior?

Our Tricks Are Enjoyable To Your Horse!
Simple to understand  moves and Tricks that appeal to a horse's nature and individual behavioral inclinations. 
  • Each try will be rewarded.
  • Horses gain confidence because the steps are easy and interesting. 
  • Recognize, Shape and Reward each try. 
  • Horses lean Concepts, Cues and Actions. 
  • Our experience shows that Trick Training expedites learning as much as 50%
  • Simple, progressive  moves that are meaningful and motivational. 
  • Innovative and solid solutions to training challenges. 

Note: Just like in Dressage, each move a horse learns in our program will become the foundation for the next series of moves.

Can Trick Training Increase My Horse’s Willingness?
YES! Trick Training builds cooperation and compliance because it makes sense to the horse, unlike training that presents nebulous requests to a horse and exhausting repetitions. If we shift our thinking from traditional training to a new paradigm based on the individuality of our horse(s) and learn to SHAPE his BEHAVIORS, we gain cooperation and willing obedience which in our opinion is better than “control”.

What Do I Need So I Can Get Started?

A Horse— or Even A Few!
Most important is a horse or a few. It does not matter where the horse is in training nor what problems he is believed to have. Almost any horse can learn Tricks and Liberty.


A Teaching Area
Consider your area of “influence.” If you can easily influence the horse’s movement with your body or a whip, great. If not, your area will be too large to easily gain the horse’s full attention. Approximately 16 feet from a horse is our usual preference.


A round pen will work, and we prefer a small one, 45 feet diameter. But the smaller the better. Having said that, use what you have available.  A square pen or corral, the smaller the better. A square pen is our preference to begin Liberty Training as it is the best place to teach inside turns. This means the horse makes a turn and does not turn his butt toward you but turns toward you with his eyes on you.


A Pedestal or Mat
It is most efficient and conducive to learning for the horse if you have a pedestal. If you cannot build or purchase one, a stall mat can be substituted.  


Horse Treats and Treat Pouch (Learning Is Fun— and Yummy Too!)
We use a variable reward system that is effective and motivational to the horse and is designed to prevent and even cure mugging. The smaller treat, the more effective it will be. Breaking or cutting large treats including carrots or apples may work for you. Be flexible. Use a treat pouch instead of your pockets. 


Lead & Longe Lines (2)
We also recommend wearing a helmet…. use whatever you prefer for handling your horse on the ground. We like to have 2 leads available a 12 foot and a longer one, up to 22 feet.
"Horse Friendly" Guider Whips
Our Glider Whips are ONE OF A KIND— they are TOOLS used for direction— NOT “ whips”! These are one of a kind in the world and only $43-$48 (depending on the size you select). It is often required to touch a horse to help him understand the move or action you have asked for. Learning is expedited with a Guider as it gives a gentle and understandable cue. It cannot sting him—  even if you try!
Horse Toys and Props
As you progress you may want to teach the Retrieve and even the Sit Down. In our store, you will find Horse Tuff props such as Bean Bags, Big Balls and Frisbees with pick up tabs.
Learning Courses— All VERY Affordable— Starting at $11
We have many learning options for you and your horse(s). Video downloads, E Books, The Trick Horse Companion book which is our course guide for Trick Training     Camps. 


Support— Yes We Can Coach You!
We are happy to support you with individual coaching as well if you will contact us. We welcome you phone calls, emails and texts.


Our Step by Step Courses Are Only $29 - $55!
EVERYONE can afford to buy our COURSES! The average package is $39 but we have a few for $29 and $55! Bowing, Counting, Spanish Walk, Smiling, Saluting, Retrieving, Liberty Training and more— all explained in step by step easy courses with video!!

Is There A Trick Horse Companion Book? Yes! Only $$44.50 (free shipping!) 

The Trick Horse Companion  is a step-by-step guide that features over 300 full color photographs. Learn how to teach your equine buddies amazing new skills that will delight any audience; whether around the barn or on the stage. "The Trick Horse Companion" goes light years beyond just the mechanics of "how" to train tricks and adds the "why" and benefits to the horse.

Perfect For You and Your Horse-Loving Friends! Order Today!
You will love showing off all your horse can learn with our amazing, educational, Trick Training Programs! If you can "Imagine a Horse” and all their possibilities, then you can Imagine YOUR Horse—and having fun for years to come. ORDER TODAY— and just ‘imagine’ the magic ahead!

Contact: Suzanne De Laurentis 
56 Old Stage Road
Pietown, New Mexico 87827
Phone: 512-736-3208
Website: Click Here To Connect

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