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"ThymoForce" and "Flexineb Nebulizer" by SilverVet
Are Breathing problems slowing your horse's performance? "ThymoForce" and "Flexineb Nebulizer" by SilverVet are the answer!

About SilverVet
For years, silver has been known to possess numerous health benefits. At SilverVet we aim to use silver’s known, natural, potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties in various products to promote healthy, natural healing among other commercial uses. Our "Triple Defense Technology™" significantly potentiates the innate antimicrobial properties of silver to a much higher level.  In a world full of toxic chemicals and pollutants, our vision is to keep every product we create as natural as possible. We strive to produce products that utilize the healing power of Mother Nature.

What Is Our Triple Defense Technology™?
Glad you asked! Our silver undergoes a secret formulation where we add a silver-oxide coating to the nano-sized crystal silver core to create a "supercharged" silver molecule.  This unique formulation gives our silver numerous unique properties that make it more potent and effective than other silver products such as colloidal silver.  There are 3 major improvements among you can expect with SilverVet products, along with a host of others.  
* First, each of our silver molecules work continuously, again and again, unlike other silver products which only work one time against a single "bad guy" and then rendered nonfunctional.  
* Secondly, our silver also works by resonant frequency activity through water.  It vibrates at the same wavelength as UV light allowing it to inhibit nearby pathogens without actual contact!  
* Thirdly, it contains an electrostatic charge which also assists in its effective antimicrobial action over other products.

Do SilverVet Products TEST As Safe For Racing and Performance?
Yes! SilverVet products are safe to use and will not disqualify your equine athlete per strict HISA (Horse Integrity and Safety Authority for Thoroughbred Racing) regulations.  ThymoForce is on the Non-Prohibited list.

MOST Silver Offers Protection Against Bacteria, OUR Silver Offers So Much MORE!
It’s true— NOT all silver is the SAME! Most colloidal silver formulas only offer effectiveness against a few bacteria… while, OUR SILVER, at SilverVet,  has been shown to have activity against a host of bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and even round worms! All while miraculously not effecting the good probiotic bacteria in the gut. Miraculous natural home made American technology!

How Is SilverVet Superior To Collodial' or 'Chelated Silver'?
Nano silver technology is far superior to colloidal silver and other silver products such as chelated silver.  There are many ways it is superior.  First of all due to its significantly smaller size it provides much more potency and activity.  It acts much faster and requires a much smaller amount of silver to achieve much better results.  It is much safer and eliminated within 24 hours of ingestion. 

But… What Is Nano Technology? 
Most people don’t know what this is and how it can relate to helping their horses. SilverVet produces natural, non-pharmaceutical products that are based on nano silver technology.  We have taken the inherent antimicrobial properties of silver molecules and created very small nanoparticles (one billionth of a meter) to increase its effectiveness. This is achieved by increasing the relative surface area of the silver molecule and allows improved efficacy of the silver.   Due to the significantly smaller silver size it provides a much higher potency and increased activity against the cell membrane of the bad guys preventing their multiplication.  
Note: Our Technology acts much faster and requires a much smaller amount of silver to achieve much better results. 
This nano formulation of silver is much more effective than other traditional colloidal or ionic forms of silver!

SilverVet Offers The BEST In Equine Respiratory Health!
Both products below offer effective respiratory (or immune) health for horses. Horses with EIPH (Bleeder Syndrome) or breathing problems, especially benefit. For optimal benefit use them both together to provide the best support from both a supplement and an equine “inhaler” to directly positively affect breathing. 

What Is ThymoForce?
THYMOFORCE  Is a unique product combining natural "thymic proteins" with our super silver formula combined with zinc.  It has superior antimicrobial and immune balancing properties supporting equine health and wellness. ThymoForce is nebulized with incredible results in cough/heaves, asthma, allergies, pharyngitis, laryngreal inflammation, viral infections including EHV-1 and EHV-4 and even bacterial and fungal pneumonia. It has also shown to be very effective in bleeders/EIPH as well. Only $249.99

Can ThymoForce Be Orally Administered?

YES! Orally administered, it helps with general wellbeing and cellular immune system rebalancing for a stronger immune system resulting in reduced infection rates, better coats, dappling and weight gain.  It is especially useful for a suppressed immune system due to excessive stress on the animal usually caused by transport, before shows and during shows due to excessive performance demands.  ThymoForce also can be used before shows to help your equine from getting ill and enabling it to participate!   

What Conditions Can Nebulized ThymoForce Help My Horse With?
By delivering a fine mist of very small particles offers a significant advantage over injections or oral medications for respiratory illness such as Recurrent Airway Obstruction (RAO), heaves,  Inflammatory Airway Disease (IAD) and Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage (EIPH).  It is an especially effective method of delivery of medication directly to the lungs in high performing equine athletes.

ThymoForce can be nebulized with incredible results for:

* Heaves
* Asthma
* Pharyngitis
* Laryngreal Inflammation
* Viral Infections (including EHV-1 and EHV-r)
* Fungal and Bacterial Pneumonia

SilverVet Offers The BEST In Nebulizers For Horses!
FLEXINEB NEBULIZERThe Flexineb E3 System is a portable, silent, highly effective equine nebulizer that delivers aerosolized medications and natural therapies to the airways of the horse. The soft flexible mask fits over the face of the horse and creates a seal by tightening the strap around the head. Since the battery is rechargeable, the Flexineb unit may be placed on the horse while walking so that deeper respiratory function is encouraged.  Launched in 2020, Flexineb E3 controller is the new and improved version of Flexineb.

Administration via aerosol devices is now considered to be a viable alternative for treating respiratory issues. Our Nebulizer is an easy-to-use veterinary medical device that produces a very fine mist of aerosolized drug, enabling this method of treatment for the horse. Completely portable and offers effective transfer of aerosolized drugs. It can also be used for multiple horses after proper cleaning.  Only $1,175.00

How Do I Know If I NEED A Nebulizer?
A nebulizer is a veterinary medical device used to produce and deliver a very fine mist of aerosolized solution, deep into your horse's lungs. A nebulizer can be used with pharmaceutical medications such as beta agonists, steroids, and mucolytics or with our natural, cutting edge proprietary ThymoForce immune support product.  By delivering a fine mist of very small particles of the medication nebulization offers a significant advantage over injections or oral medications for respiratory illness such as Recurrent Airway Obstruction (RAO), heaves,  Inflammatory Airway Disease (IAD) and Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage (EIPH).  It is an especially effective method of delivery of medication directly to the lungs in high performing equine athletes. 

How Often Do I Use The Nebulizer?
A nebulizer should be used as often as recommended by your veterinarian/the manufacturer of the medication being administered.  In our situation, our veterinarian has formulated and recommend an initial course of ThymoForce once a day for 5 days, then followed by three times a week, anywhere from 1-12 weeks depending on the what is ailing the horse.  Note: Don't forget that a single nebulizer can be used for multiple horses after properly cleaning with each use! This makes the initial purchase of a Flexineb much more cost effective especially if you own multiple horses.

What Do Horse Owners Say About ThymoForce/ Flexineb Nebulizers?
Says Laci S. "While at a Barrel Race, I used ThymoForce to nebulize my horse who was wheezing and coughing the day before the race. SilverVet was at the show and I asked them to nebulize my horse, Bugsy, who went on to perform AMAZINGLY the next day-- and actually WIN with one of his BEST runs! We used the prize money to get a Flexineb nebulizer from the guys at SilverVet and have been  using this amazing product since then, to keep Bugsy at optimal racing condition. I swear by this stuff! Definintely, look into it!"

Put The POWER of Silver Vet Into YOUR PERFORMANCE HORSE Today!
If you have a performance horse, you understand that seconds matter and few things can deliver better performance (or health!) that lungs that are clear and able to breathe well! These are not ‘cheap’ products. THYMOFORCE and our NEBULIZER offer very real and very powerful results! Performance depends upon every breath your horse can take. Call and order today!

Contact: Our Friendly Staff 
1910 S. Priest Drive
Tempe, Arizona 85281
Phone: 1-888-888-7128
Website: Click Here To Connect

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