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LighthoofⓇ  Equine Mud Management
Let LighthoofⓇ put your horses on solid ground! Quickly and effectively solve your mud problems with LighthoofⓇ patented equine mud management panels.

About Lighthoof
Lighthoof®  is a company made from dedicated horse people who truly care about horses. At Lighthoof, the saying “No hoof, no horse” is not just a quote, but a life’s work! Lighthoof is dedicated to improving the lives of horses and their humans by providing mud management solutions for healthy & pleasant outdoor living conditions. All panels are MADE in TEXAS, USA! (not China!) and our staff are all lifelong equestrians with decades of horse management experience.

So Just What Is The Big Deal About Mud?
If you live in a climate with any amount of rainfall, then you’ve probably experienced the constant battle to keep mud at bay on your farm. Mud can be a problem for both you and your horse in so many ways…

Mud Causes Health Issues!
  • Horses can slip in mucky, wet footing and suffer pulled muscles or tendons, broken bones, and other catastrophic injuries.
  • Hoof health is at risk when horses stand in mud. Thrush, white-line, and other hoof diseases can cause your horse serious discomfort. Plus, the softened hoof tissue is more prone to punctures, abscesses, infections and lost shoes.
  • Bacteria and parasites living in mud can cause infection or illness, and mud stuck to your horse’s hay is easily ingested which could lead to colic.
  • Mud creates work. It makes grooming and caring for your horse a bigger chore. Mucking paddocks and any other work that requires a wheelbarrow can become nearly impossible. 
  • Mud costs money. It causes vet bills and raises maintenance costs. Temporary mud solutions such as adding gravel, wood chips, or hogfuel can become expensive. Often these measures only last a few weeks or months because horses’ hooves quickly stir the new footing in with the mud below.
Note: With Lighthoof®, you and your horses can be mud-free. Forever.

How Does Lighthoof® Work? 

Our Lighthoof® , Flexible plastic strips stabilize gravel in hundreds of fist-sized welded cells. Super light, super strong, easy to ship, light weight, but powerfully built to withstand up to 70 years of use- or more!
  • Stretch the Lighthoof panels out over your existing ground and then compact gravel into the cells. The cells support the gravel, and the gravel supports your horse!
  • Based on an invention by the US Army Corps of Engineers for creating sturdy gravel roads through seemingly impossible terrain. It can hold trucks, tractors, tanks, and of course your horses.
  • Certified by the EPA for a minimum 70 year lifespan and is chemically inert so it can’t leech into your groundwater or degrade in your soil.                  
About Our Lighthoof® Panels 
Lighthoof®is made from flexible plastic strips, not hard plastic tiles.
By conforming to your existing terrain, Lighthoof is the only product that can lie right over your existing muddy ground. There’s no need to excavate or create a compacted gravel layer underneath. You can install it on steep slopes, around trees and over roots, through shallow ditches, and on lumpy ground. Lighthoof can also be used to create supported open drainage features within your area, a huge benefit for maintaining your surface flow.

ALL Lighthoof®’s Include 
FREE Shipping!

All quantities ship free in the continental USA!  Inquire about affordable international options.

So How Big Are The Lighthoof® Panels ?
Lighthoof  panels eliminate mud by supporting a layer of compacted gravel for your horse to walk on. Each panel is 6’ wide by 12’ long and is made up of 3” tall cells. Panels are flexible and easy to install…and only $219 per panel. They are light and easy to ship and work with!          

Is It True That Lighthoof® Is Easy To Install? 
YES! Lighthoof mud management panels are easy to install as a ground stabilization grid for pastures, paddocks, horse stalls, barn aisleways, gates and entryways - offering a superb and safe alternative to concrete and other non-flexible mud remediation systems. When properly installed Lighthoof makes a great base for barns, as well as excellent in shedrow stalls to prevent muck from building up in front of the stalls and under the overhang. No matter where you have mud, Lighthoof is there to help with a permanent, mud-free ground stabilization solution for homesteads and horse farms everywhere! Because Lighthoof can be installed directly over your existing muddy ground:
 •    Less intense site prep: No need to remove mud or access your area with heavy equipment – ideal for remote, tight, or large areas on your farm, or low budget installations.
 •    Much lower gravel usage: Grid guidelines recommend 8-34″ of gravel for proper installation depending on conditions. Lighthoof uses 4-6″ for all conditions.
•    DIY Friendly: Lighthoof is very uncomplicated to install and doesn’t require specialized equipment or tools. If you can’t or don’t want to hire someone to install your Lighthoof panels, you can roll up your sleeves, grab a rake and a hammer, and get ‘er done yourself!

Is It True That Lighthoof® Is Safe For My Horses? 

YES. If the panels do become exposed, Lighthoof’s flexible textured panels can’t poke up out of the ground with a hard or sharp edge to injure your horse. The gentle cell walls simply bend over under the horse’s weight without cutting him, preventing the panel from becoming more exposed. In the same situation, leverage can cause a hard plastic tile to lift further out of the footing, exposing a slippery surface or sharp edge.

What Do Horse Owners Say About LightHoof?
"I installed some supposedly “agricultural grade” geogrid panels in non-horse traffic areas and they were immediately torn up by routine tractor movements. They would have fared even worse in the horse areas! Thank goodness I sprung for the Lighthoof panels in the paddock!" - Brett P, MA
Let Lighthoof® Put Your Horses On Solid Ground Today!
At only $219 for a 6’ x 12’ panel, you can afford to keep your horses on solid, safe footing, no more worrying about standing mud and water! Both you and your horses will love the difference. Keeping your horse’s healthy, safe and improving the quality of the property they are standing on, make Lighthoof the right choice for your horse property. Visit today— easy online ordering, downloadable planning resources, and free shipping in the continental US!

Contact: Our Friendly Staff 
All shipping done from
Washington, USA 
Phone: 800-279-4716
Website: Click Here To Connect

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