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EquiPride and EquiLix by SweetPro
Make sure your horse is getting the proper nutrition it needs with EquiPride and EquiLix!... now used by the horses in the most popular western show in America!

About Our Company

SweetPro Feeds started production in 1991 and patented a new concept in non-molasses, free choice block supplementation which featuring Condensed Distiller Solubles.

In 2002, SweetPro developed the multi-prebiotic ProBiotein® process. SweetPro took a leading position in supporting animal health and performance by doing it naturally. SweetPro’s EquiPride and EquiLix maximize nutrient utilization to support better immune response and performance.

SweetPro makes supplements that support your horses, cattle and other animals ability to stay healthier. EquiPride and EquiLix add key ingredients to your livestock's normal feed, so their digestive systems can perform the way that nature intended.

What Are PreBiotics?

While most of the equine world recognizes the need for "probiotics" (the friendly microflora bacteria that aid horses in proper digestion), not as many owners are aware that "prebiotics" are needed to feed the microbiome and support the health of these good bacteria populations within the gut. Prebiotics are fibers that are not directly digested by the horse, they can only be digested by probiotics!

The oligosaccharide fibers that are used in EquiPride® and EquiLix® are AXOS (Arabino-Xylo), XOS (Xylo), MOS (Mannan), FOS (fructo) and Beta-glucan. These 5 prebiotics are combined into a blend. While they are good separately, together they are even better! The yeast in EquiPride and EquiLix is also a “postbiotic”.

How Are The Pre-Biotics At EquiPride™ Better Than The Competition?

Many products only contain 1 type of prebiotic, but since selective digestion occurs, EquiPride™ and EquiLix target 5 main types of prebiotics. This becomes a KEY ADVANTAGE for users of EquiPride™ and EquiLix™ because when probiotics are supported, feed is more thoroughly digested, nutrients are absorbed and the pH stays balanced within your horse..

EquiLix™ Blocks by SweetPro Premium Feed Supplements

EquiLix™ is a NON-Molasses, distillers grain based "all-in-one" vitamin and mineral supplement for horses that includes multiple prebiotics and digestive aids to support horse health and performance. It is a non-molasses horse lick supplement which combines a complete vitamin, mineral and digestive aid package with buffers to help settle gastric distress. EquiLix comes as a 25, 50, 125 and 250 lb free choice lick block. There are 2 formulas with the pink geared towards more intake performance. This product works effectively to support improved hooves, hair coat, joint lubricity, feed utilization, circulation and reduction of colic. SweetPro Feeds has designed this supplement to maximize nutrient uptake from your horses' feed, and minimize the need for multiple supplements.

  • Improved digestion
  • Up to 25% less forage needed, depending on quality and type
  • Helps combat digestive colicing
  • Support for a shiny and healthy hair coat
  • Support For strong, solid hooves
  • Supports better lubricity of joints
  • Support for strength and endurance without getting hot or high
  • Supports Improved temperament via gut-brain axis
  • Support For Hard-keepers
  • Supports bright clear eyes
  • Support for overall health and well being

EquiPride™ Top Dress
EquiPride™ is a NON-MOLASSES, distillers grain based "all-in-one" vitamin and mineral top dressing supplement for horses that includes multiple prebiotics and  digestive aids to support horse health and performance. It will complement forages and support appearance, performance and enhanced immune function through better feed utilization. EquiPride comes in 5 gallon pails and 50 lb bags as a loose top dress that can be added to your horses' regular feed. It works effectively to support hooves, hair coat, joint lubricity, feed utilization, circulation and reduction of colic. SweetPro Feeds has designed this supplement to maximize nutrient uptake from your horses' feed, and minimize the need for multiple supplements.

Here is what you can expect with EquiPride™:

  • Suppports improved digestion
  • Up to 25% less forage needed depending on forage quality and type
  • Support for combating digestive colicing
  • Supports a shiny and healthy hair coat
  • Supports strong, solid hooves
  • Supports a better lubricity of joints
  • Supports strength and endurance without getting hot or high
  • Supports an improved temperament via gut-brain axis
  • Supports Hard Keepers
  • Supports bright clear eyes
  • Support for overall health

Got A Performance Horse? Have a Horse That Travels? EquiPride Gold Is Your Answer!
EquiPride Gold™
is a prebiotic and probiotic paste that is designed to support your horse’s appetite during the stress of work and competition. EquiPride Gold™ can be used before and after the "run" or the competition. It is an extra "energy boost" when energy demands are their highest. EquiPride Gold is also great to use before traveling or shipping as it supports stress alleviation and encourages the horse to eat their normal rations. The Prebiotics and Probiotics support the gut operating as it should, even during the stress of competition, and antibodies help to discourage harmful bacteria. Designed for the performance and show horse-- or any horse that is under stress during travel or training.

Why Should I Choose EquiPride™ Over Competitors?

It WORKS! All EquiPride™ products are better because of balance! There is no single silver bullet in our supplements. EquiPride puts the focus on balance and strategic blends. EquiPride and EquiLix are "all-in-one" vitamin and mineral supplements for horses that include multiple prebiotics and digestive aids to support horse health, up to 25% better feed efficiency and superior performance. SweetPro Feed Supplements has designed these supplements to maximize nutrient uptake from your horses' feed, and minimize the need for multiple supplements thereby saving you time and money without sacrificing quality.

Introducing Our 25 Pound PINK EquiLix® Performance with Garlic
Announcing, the new 25 lb EquiLix® Performance with Garlic. Developed for stall convenience and travel in mind, this new hanging pink tub is an all-in-one free choice lick block. EquiLix Performance no molasses/no starch block uses Distiller Dried Grains with solubles (DDGs), Condensed Distiller Solubles (CDS) and flax meal to deliver fiber, fat, protein and complex carbohydrate energy to your horse. EquiLix Performance also features a complete vitamin, mineral and trace mineral program with biotin, vitamin E, and organic forms of zinc, copper and manganese. To enhance digestive performance, EquiLix Performance includes SweetPro’s yeast culture prebiotic blend, ProBiotein®. ProBiotein features fermentation metabolites, multiple prebiotic fibers (AXOS, XOS, MOS, FOS & Beta-glucan), protein isolates, yeast and Omega 3 fatty acids. Designed to minimize the need for a wide variety of supplements, EquiLix Performance supports immune system efficiency by enhancing the horse’s digestive tract microbiome.  EquiLix Performance with Garlic in the distinctive pink tubs is designed to encourage intake for horses with above normal activity levels or to support performance for competition. 

Do They Have a Human Form of EquiPride™?

Funny you should ask-- the answer is YES WE DO!  Called ProBiotein®-- riders can enjoy support for their microbiome and increased immunity strength! ProBiotein, which is a blend additive comes in powder form for putting juices, smoothies, yogurt, breads, cereals and many other applications.

What Do Customers Say About EquiPride™ Products?

I found everything I was looking for in EquiPride and I'm very pleased with the results.
Anne Chism

In 3 weeks on EquiPride, the rain rot disappeared from all the horses!
Kate Turner

My husband, the farrier, was amazed at the change before his eyes and says he will recommend EquiPride to anyone who has a horse with hoof problems.
Debra Brooks

EquiPride is the best vitamin, mineral and all around product for a horse.
Randy Lindsey

I have been amazed at the quality and the results that are consistently showing when my horses are on EquiPride™! I recommend it to all my friends and have just ordered the "human version" in the Health Bar form and can't wait to get it! A healthy digestive system is paramount to the health and well being of your horse-- and even yourself. These products are outstanding and I am glad to use and recommend them.
Ann Pruitt- Director of InfoHorse

Order EquiPride™ or EquiLix™ Products by SweetPro For Your Horse Today!

Healthy horses are made through healthy diets.
Healthy diets are managed by concerned horse owners who want the very best for their horses. Your horse deserves a healthy gut for his digestion and vitamins and minerals to keep him strong and performance levels at optimal levels.  Find out how EquiLix® and EquiPride® can help your horse with the best possible support for its digestion and health. For more information about EquiLix and EquiPride and to place your order, please go to or ask for EquiPride from your local dealer.

Contact: Our Friendly Staff 
P.O. Box 69
Walhalla, North Dakota 58282
Phone: 1-888-229-0475
Website: Click Here To Connect

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