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SAY WHOA--by Horse Sense Solutions
Nothing works better at helping your horse with a manure impaction (normal bout of colic) than SAY WHOA. Highly effective in helping horses with normal impaction or gas colic.

Why Is Say Whoa! So Effective-- Such  a Miracle For Manure Impaction Colics? 

SAY WHOA- Stops Colic  For Colic Impactions Is Immediate Relief!
•        Eliminate waiting for Help               
•        Does not require a vet to administer in their mouth
•        Easy to Use - Horse Just Swallows.
•        Proven - Effective  
•        Food Impactions, gas, light sand, spasmodic and diarrhea
•        Digestive Sounds Return in 10 – 30 min
•        Eliminate Worry  All Natural  - Will Do No Harm
•        Eliminate Shots  
•        Eliminate Nasal Tubing
•        Eliminate Walking Horse
•        No Temperature Control – Will not freeze - Keep in feed room or trailer on trips

•        Irish Sea Moss
•        Kelp
•        Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium & Calcium
•        Peppermint Oil
•        Vegetable Glycerin & Purified Water  
•        Molasses & Sorbitol -Flavor & Sweetness

SAY WHOA- Can Aid Normal Impaction COLIC!- Through technology, this is the new way to treat colic. Colic is the #1 killer of horses, because the old convention way to treat colic is not working. Stops Colic is a natural product that “Can Do No Harm” to be given orally; the horse just swallows.

Part 1 -  It quickly breaks apart and softens fecal impactions to a semi-liquid state

Part 2 - Draws excess fluid from within the body  into the dehydrated bowels where it’s needed.  Once proper hydration in the tissues are restored, the bowels begin to function properly once more.

Part 3 - Restores the ionic solution needed by the bowel muscles to regain their motility.  In turn, this allows the now semi-liquid impaction to begin to move toward elimination.

Part 4 - Dissipates gas. This deflates the painful distended bowels and stomach tissue.  The semi-liquid fecal matter & gas are then passed and the colic is stopped.

Is Say Whoa Easy To Administer?
Yes-- see our video below!

Should I Use A NSAIDS Like Banamine or Bute If My Horse Has Colic?

If your horse is suffering from colic you need Stops Colic.  Stops Colic dissolves impacted feed materials safely, effectively, and without trauma to your horse.  It is all natural, it can do no harm and tests drug free.  Stops Colic is an alternative to using NSAIDS.   NSAIDS, such as Banamine and Bute, are not appropriate for treating impaction colic which deals with dehydration. They would only mask the pain which gives a false hope.  NSAIDS also relax the smooth muscles which are needed to help move the impaction along the digestive tract.  How Stops Colic is different,  is that it rehydrates the bowel naturally without drugs, so the impaction is turned into a softened state so it can be eliminated naturally.   

Warning:  Giving heavy oil may also rupture the bowels during an impaction colic.

What Is the Difference Between “Normal” & “Abnormal” Colic?

        Normal Bout of Colic - is considered a feed impaction, light sand, gas or spasmodic.
    Abnormal Bout of Colic - is considered bowels that are twisted, torsion, knotted, ruptured,  excessive sand, gravel, stones, tumors or infected bowels, ulcers or blocked by foreign object (eating plastic bag, etc.).  Stops Colic cannot help with these.

Should I Call A Vet?
During a normal bout of colic you will hear returning and/or stronger bowel sounds, within 10 – 30 minutes upper and lower on both sides of your horse’s abdomen.  If no sounds are heard, your horse is having an Abnormal Bout of Colic and requires a vet! These horses will need Immediate Medical or Surgical Intervention to save their life!

What Will SAY WHOA-Stops Colic Do In A Normal Colic Situation?
It ends a bout of Light Sand and Fecal Impaction, Gas or Mild Spasmodic Colic, consistently, safely, naturally and effectively; bout after bout.   Also, is designed to treat chronic diarrhea cases.
What Do Customers Say About SAY WHOA? 
I have PERSONALLY seen "Say Whoa" save 3 different horses suffering from manure impaction colic! One horse was so bad that the vet had already been called for euthanasia. After that call, I was contacted and ran over with 1 single bottle of Say Whoa-- administered it to the horse (which was down and almost non responsive) and before the vet arrived-- 1 hour later, the horse was up, passed piles of manure and gas-- and was back to normal- Ann Pruitt-

Don't Take The Risk, Make Sure Say Whoa Is In YOUR Tack Room Today!
Colic does NOT come with "24 hour notice"... make SURE you have Say Whoa available in your tack room when colic makes it's attack on your horse. Now you can fight back-- and win over a normal impaction colic! You can also find us at JeffersEquine and UnitedVetEquine! Please CALL us today-- it is never too early to Say Whoa to colic in your barn!

Contact: Reba 
P.O. Box 3848
Breckenridge, Colorado 80424
Phone: 800-448-8180
Website: Click Here To Connect

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