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JUG Waterers by Bakko Industries, Inc.
For almost 3 decades, JUG Waterers have been providing horses with the freshest, cleanest water available to them.

About Bakko Industries, Creator of JUG Waterer

The JUG was developed in central Iowa in the early 1980s, and came on the market in 1984. Bakko Industries (a family owned company at Glenwood Minnesota) purchased the JUG product line in 2005. The JUG is marketed throughout the US, and Canada, mostly through Bakko's Territory Rep / Dealer Network. Open territory, and overseas sales are handled directly out of the Glenwood office. Bakko Industries continually strives to produce the highest quality products possible, and follows the sale with excellent, friendly, and informed customer service.
Water is the most vital nutrient your horses can have! Even though you provide access to water for your horses, it does not necessarily mean they are staying properly hydrated. The quality of their water can deter them from drinking, thus limiting their daily intake for digestion, energy, and overall health.

How The JUG Works-- a Natural Drinking Design

Thanks to the open bowl design and unique draw tube water supply system, horses can see and smell clean, fresh water. No learning how to lift flaps or push balls or floats out of the way to get a drink. A horse simply places its mouth in the open pool of water in the drinking bowl and sucks up the water just as it would from a natural water hole.

Jug Is Designed To Provide Your Horse With CLEAN Drinking Water

JUG Waterers feature a weather-sealed water reservoir which blocks out sunlight. This virtually eliminates algae growth in the tank. Water is fed to the open drinking bowl through the draw tubes. These tubes are attached to the drinking bowl with a feed trap which keeps feed debris from the horse’s mouth out of the reservoir, thus reducing any bacterial growth. As a horse drinks from the JUG, a suction/swirling action is created in the feed trap area. This action causes feed from the face of the horse to be consumed as it drinks. And because water is "turned over" whenever a horse drinks, there is always clean, fresh water in the bowl.

Even though the design of our units keeps the water free from feed or hay, most water contains iron bacteria which will leave a residue in the tank over time. The external drain plug will allow you to easily drain water from the tank periodically.  Once the unit is full again, an internal pilot-operated float valve automatically keeps the water in the bowl at the determined level. The water level is easily adjusted from the outside of the JUG.

Natural THERMAL Energy-- NO "Electricity" Required!
Jug Waterers rely primarily on thermal energy (not electrical) to help regulate a constant water temperature. This means warmer water in the winter and cooler water in the summer for your horses to drink. This is accomplished through the following design features:

    * Draw Tube Water Supply System - There are actually three draw tubes in the unit, two copper and one CPVC. As the water gets cold in the bowl, it becomes heavier and sinks down the CPVC tube, forcing warm water from the tank up the copper tubes and into the feed trap area and bowl. Since copper is an excellent heat conductor, heat is transferred during this water replenishment process, keeping the water in the bowl from freezing.
    * JUG Earth Tubes - Stand-alone models are often installed with insulated and uninsulated earth tubes. These create a heat well under the unit which supplies additional heat from the ground. The insulated tube extends below the frost line, minimizing heat escape to the frozen ground in winter. When heat from the ground flows through the uninsulated tube into the heat well, it is used as additional energy to keep the water in the JUG fluid.

The JUG Saves You Money On Utility Costs!
In marginal climates you need enough horses to keep the water in the tank warm enough to provide heat energy (at least 15 head per bowl). Otherwise, a low wattage heater and thermostat are recommended.

Note: In 2021, a research study* performed and published in the IOWA SATE UNIVERSITY ANIMAL INDUSTRY REPORT concluded that JUG Waterer units with heat output (thermostat) control reduced the energy usage by 85% over a competitor’s waterers without thermostats or earth tubes. The JUG Waterer units cost only $0.11 per day to operate. The utility cost savings was over $110 during the study period.
*The study was conducted at Iowa State University Beef Nutrition Farm in Ames, IA from October 23 thru December 14, 2020.

With The JUG- You Get Quality at EVERY Turn!
The exterior design of our JUG Waterers, coupled with out patented clean water technology inside, promotes a natural drinking experience your horses will enjoy.

Our Stand-Alone Waterers come in three models:
Single Bowl, Double Bowl, and Four Bowl. The durable rotomolded polyurethane construction makes them tough on the outside, while weather-sealing keeps the inside free of dirt and debris. All three models are equipped with an anti-siphoning float valve to prevent back siphoning into your water supply. An exterior inspection plate can be easily removed for examination and service to the float valve. An external adjustment screw (to minimize the amount of water exposed to the weather) and drain plug are included for hassle-free maintenance.

What About JUG Waterer For Your Horse Stalls?

The same clean, fresh water technology of the stand-alone models are also offered in a stall version for your horse's stalls. . Available in both wall and corner mount, the Stall Waterers feature strong polyethylene construction with an 18 gauge stainless steel bite guard (which prevents damage from cribbing). With its 2 gallon reservoir and quick recovery float valve, the stall units offer plenty of water capacity for your horses. For colder climates (or if you have a cold barn), we offer a low 30-watt thermostatically controlled heated version for the assurance of frost-free water. And our insulated rise tube protects the water supply line from the cold. For warmer climates (or if you have a heated barn), our energy free version is the model of choice.

Of Course, We Have the STRONGEST WARRANTY in the Industry!
JUG Waterers are backed by the strongest warranty in the industry, along with the highest possible level of customer service. Due to the minimal maintenance features of the JUG, warranty needs are typically uncommon. However, should an issue ever arise, we offer the following against manufacturer defects:
   2 Full Year Warranty on float valve parts and electrical components
    *    15 Year Prorated Warranty on bases and lids

In addition, we offer a 60 Day Satisfaction Guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with the quality of our product or the water it provides, we will gladly buy it back from you within 60 days of purchase.

Now You Know The Facts, Don't Your Horses Deserve The JUG?
We believe they do! Best design, natural drinking, and most powerful warranty in the industry. Call us today and let us help your horse enjoy the benefits that JUG has to offer!

Contact: Our Friendly Staff 
28958 198th Ave
Glenwood, Minnesota 56334
Phone: 800-JUG-6675 (800-584-6675)
Website: Click Here To Connect

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