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FORCO® Feed Supplement Digestive Fortifier
FORCO® Feed Supplement Digestive Fortifier is a source of nutrients that feed and nurture the entire scope of bacterial and microbial populations in the full spectrum of the digestive system.

About FORCO® Feed Supplement Digestive Fortifier
FORCO LLC is located on the eastern plains of Colorado near the town of Flagler where it first got its start over 30 years ago in 1982. FORCO is a family business owned by David & Lynette Frank.
FORCO initially started in the hay business making a product that would help prevent mold and heating in higher moisture baled hay. Interestingly the name FORCO is derived from the initial hay product of forage (FOR) conditioner (CO). The hay product was a bit different than what the FORCO® Feed Supplement Digestive Fortifier is today though the concept is the same to improve feed.
At the same time David and Lynette were producing the FORCO hay product they owned and operated a race horse training stable for Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse race horses. In 1984 they started researching and studying the use of the ingredients in the hay product for use in a digestive supplement for horses.
An in-house product was later developed from this research and used on the horses in the training center. The changes and results in the race horses were remarkable! In 1986 FORCO Feed Supplement was introduced into the horse market. FORCO’s product marketing has always been about result-driven products with appreciative customers versus elaborate advertising and flashy promotions. The business has been built by customers using the product, observing changes in the horses, being impressed with the results and ultimately spreading the word about FORCO® Feed Supplement Digestive Fortifier.

How Is Forco Different From Other Yeast Products On The Market Today?

FORCO® products are one of a kind products. They are one of the few pure and all-natural products on the market. They are dependable, stable, and safe. They do not contain live microbial or live-cell yeast due to their perishability and inconsistent performance.  They have no carriers or fillers and there are no supplemental vitamins, minerals or proteins like many other digestive products on the market today contain.

Most digestive aid products are effective only in the foregut or early portion of the digestion system. This is especially true of microbial products. FORCO® is unique because it is designed to be effective throughout the entire alimentary system from the mouth through the colon.

This is a critical consideration for horses because its the cecum portion of the hindgut that digests most of the forage fiber (hay and pasture) and carbohydrates where the colon then absorbs and/or synthesizes vitamins, minerals, volatile fatty acids and amino acids. Because it addresses the entire digestive process, horses respond to FORCO® when they do not respond to other digestive aids.

Can All Horses Benefit From FORCO?
Yes! FORCO Feed Supplement Digestive Fortifier is a product that addresses the problem of providing proper bacterial populations and fermentation in the horse’s digestive tract. FORCO uses highly effective yeast cultures and digestive enzymes in making FORCO Feed Supplement Digestive Fortifier . FORCO uses a formula that began in research over 25 years ago. This formula combines different cultures and enzymes causing a synergistic effect which makes the fermentative quality greater than if each ingredient is used individually.

Is FORCO Really A "One of a Kind" Product?
Yes! FORCO Feed Supplement Digestive Fortifier  is a one of a kind product. It is one of the few pure and all-natural products on the market. It is dependable, stable, and safe. It does not contain live microbial or live-cell yeast, due to their perishability and inconsistent performance. It has no carriers or fillers and there are no supplemental vitamins, minerals or proteins. The FORCO formula contains only pure fermentation products designed to promote normal microorganism and bacteria population in the digestive tract of the horse.

Most horse owners are very concerned with what and how they feed their horses, but this is only one side of the equation. To maintain optimum health and nutrition in the horse, the horseman not only has to feed balanced rations but also must maintain a balanced micro flora in the digestive tract.

What Are The Ingredients In FORCO?
The FORCO® formula contains only pure fermentation products producing maximum digestion for maximum nutrition.  FORCO® is a source of nutrients that feed and nurture the entire scope of bacterial and microbial populations in the full spectrum of the digestive system.

Where Can I Buy FORCO Products?
Please check for our retailers under "Where To Buy" for a location near you or you can call us-- we are always looking for reputable dealers that are interesting in helping horses throughout the country--If you would like your local store to carry Forco, please let them know to give us a call.

Why Does FORCO Carry The "Green" Emblem?
Many of our customers have become more concerned with environmental and green issues in recent years and we want to do what we can to help address these without compromising the quality of service Forco has become renowned for as a business.

At the same time we wanted to do this in a genuine and honest way as there are also many critics surrounding these types of issues. Our green hosting initiatives consist of both carbon offsetting as well as improvements in technology through our hosting provider. Because of their recognized efforts in support of green hosting capabilities, we are able to display this emblem provided by them and participate by doing our part in support of these initiatives.

What Do Horse Owners Say About FORCO?
See our TESTIMONIAL PAGE for "Before/ After" photos and here are a few comments!

Dear Forco,
My sweet 13 yo mare Dottie had started going down hill for no apparent reason.  I would have a buffet of grass hay, alfalfa, and grain in front of her at all times and she would eat, a lot, but yet she continued to go down hill.  I took her to several different veternarians.  They ran blood tests on her and checked her over for other problems, but none of them could come up with a reason that she should be looking like she did.  One vet even told me to take her home to die, because that was where the road she was on was leading to.  I was heart broken. A good friend then mentioned that I should try a product called Forco.  I had not heard of it before, but if she was recommending it, I knew there must be something to it.  I started Dottie on Forco in January and you can see from the series of pictures below the difference it started to make for her!  As bad as she was it took awhile, but my Forco dealer told me to stick with it.  So stick with it I did, and a full 7 months later I have my Dottie back!  I know now that Dottie will never be without her Forco!  Thank you Forco!
Kaycee Starkey, Colorado

Dear Forco,
Here is my one month photo of my girl Vanilla!  The top photo is Vanilla after she was diagnosed with IR (insulin resistance). As you can tell she does not feel well!  Bottom picture is her after one month of being on FORCO.  Looking much much better and her soreness has dissipated!
-Morgan Nay Madison, Indiana

Order FORCO Today!
Just call and we can direct you to a dealer near you. Some FORCO products can also be purchased online. When you see the difference it can make to your horse, you'll make sure your horse is never without it. Call and Order your FORCO today-- you can also find us at and Amazon!

Contact: Our Friendly Staff 
1691 Pine Street
Canyon City, Colorado 81212
Phone: 866-383-2458
Website: Click Here To Connect

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