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EDSS (Equine Digit Support System)
Equine Digit Support System and comprehensive instruction material has proven to be one of the most effective tools for treating a multitude of lameness conditions and often times returning horses to a pre-disease condition.

About EDSS (Equine Digit Support System)
Equine Digit Support System, Inc. is a family business that opened in 1995 in Columbia Falls, Montana. After studies on wild horses (feral horses) hoof patterns in 1986 and 1987, Gene Ovnicek developed the World Race Plate, which is now manufactured and distributed by Thoro'Bred Racing Plate Company. After several years of continued research and development, Gene designed a system for treating lower limb equine pathologies. The resulting Equine Digit Support System and comprehensive instruction material proved to be one of the most effective tools for treating a multitude of lameness conditions and often times returning horses to a pre-disease condition. In an effort to make sure that proper instruction and support was offered for the EDSS, the Ovnicek family started Equine Digit Support System, Inc. Since that time, EDSS, Inc. has continued to offer innovative products and information to help restore and maintain soundness in the domestic equine.

How Do I Know If My Horse Needs Or Could Benefit From EDSS?

If your horse routinely stumbles, forges, interferes, lands toe-first, has trouble turning or has intermittent lameness issues or just seems a bit off, there is a good chance they have some common hoof distortions that are causing these issues.  Hoof capsule distortion and limited caudal hoof function is one of the primary causes for equine lameness and poor performance. 
What Conditions Can Cause Problems For My Horse?
Simple hoof imbalances (either from front-to-back or side-to-side or both) cause undue stress and strain on the ligaments and tendons of the lower limb that can lead to pathology in those structures. This leads to issues with biomechanical function of the limb and horse, as well as more serious conditions like navicular syndrome, ring bone, collateral ligament strain and many more. 
Are The Challenges That Horses Face Today Making It Harder On Their Hooves and Legs?

The way horses are used today and the challenging maneuvers they are asked to perform is hard on the lower leg joints and foot, as well as the soft tissue surrounding those structures.  It is time that the hoof care tools and techniques are improved to meet these needs for the modern day horse.  EDSS hoofcare products and information are a leader in innovation and are here to service the needs of the modern equine athlete to either help improve performance or treat lameness issues.
What If My Horse Has Founder or Laminitis, Navicular Or Ringbone— Can EDSS Help?
Yes Laminitis & Founder are conditions that require timely application of SUPPORT, PROTECTION and LEVERAGE REDUCTION to ensure that minimal damage is done to the affected structures of the foot.  Regardless if these conditions are caused by cushing’s disease, equine metabolic syndrome, road founder, over-trimming, or carbohydrate overload, there are tools today that can offer support and stability to the coffin bone throughout the disease process. 

The Equine Digit Support System and the EDSS/Steward Clogs are 2 of the most versatile and adjustable products on the market to help get horses from the initial onset of the condition through the final recovery stages. Navicular syndrome, ring bone, collateral ligament lesions, etc. are even more prevalent than the cases we get with laminitis.  However, the goals for treatment (SUPPORT, PROTECTION & LEVERAGE REDUCTION) are similar to that of Laminitis.  Each pathology or lameness issue has certain unique needs and slightly different products or product modifications we offer can be used to meet those needs and help the condition improve.
How Long Will My Horse Need EDSS Products?

Most laminitis cases take 6 – 9 months for treatment before back to a pre-disease condition.  Many take less time and a few take longer, but that is average.  Navicular related lameness issues can be resolved in 1 or 2 shoeings --or can take 2 years depending the severity and age of the horse and how long the condition has existed. 
My Horse Has Great Feet, Can EDSS Hoof Products Help Keep My Horse’s Feet Healthy?
 EDSS offers products for almost every type of horse that works in almost every type of discipline.  We have shoes that are designed for treating almost every type of foot related lameness issues, as well as performance shoes designed for equine athletes like rodeo horses, hunters, jumpers, dressage, show horses, race horses and even back yard trail and pleasure horses.  The hoof trimming and shoeing guidelines that are developed to enhance the use of our products are even more important than the products themselves.  The hoof preparation (either for barefoot or shoes) is the key to maintaining well balanced, healthy feet that function at their optimal level.
What Products Are Available Through EDSS?

  • Centre Fit Horseshoes (Fronts, Hinds & Performance Hinds)
  • Performance Leverage Reduction (PLR) Horseshoes (Flat, Wedge, Race & Bar Shoes)
  • PROfile Hind Shoes
  • Vulcan Horseshoes (VRM & Blenkinsop)
  • EDSS/Steward Clogs
  • Glue-U Adhesives & Hoof Support Materials
  • DuraCornum Moisture Control System
  • The Equine Digit Support System (Treatment System)
  • “Natural Balance Hoof Care” Ultimate Pack (Book & DVD’s)
 I Need Some Guidance Knowing Which Product To Buy, Can EDSS Help Me?
EDSS is available during business hours to answer questions and help guide horses owners and equine professionals towards improving performance and treating lameness in their horses.  Our website offers many great resources and people can submit help forms through our website as well.  We have an extensive network of farriers that we can refer people to as well that have varying degrees of experience with our products and information.
Will It Be Easy For My Farrier To Apply EDSS Products?

 The application of the EDSS hoofcare products is not complicated and any farrier should be able to have success with our products.  The best results will ALWAYS come from following the basic hoof preparation guidelines we offer that help farriers recognize and correct any hoof distortions that exist which may be causing lameness or performance issues.
Call EDSS Today- We Are Concerned For Your Horse’s Every Step!
The Equine Digit Support System can help both horses with lameness problems— and help prevent future problems. Our decades of experience and expertise have helped thousands of horses and we can help your horse. Call us today— tell us about your horse and your performance goals, and let our friendly, knowledgable staff answer your questions and set your horse’s hooves on the path of health and success.  Call today— we’re happy to talk to you!

Contact: Our Friendly Staff 
15860 State HWY 115
Penrose, Colorado 81240
Phone: 719-372-7463
Website: Click Here To Connect

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