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Eat Up by Horse Sense Solutions
Ever worry about your horse not cleaning up his feed bucket? Well now there is a simple answer.  Use Eat Up to promote horses to finish feed with aggressive appetite.

Who Are The People At  Horse Sense Solutions?
Horse owners! Every staff member at Horse Sense Solutions has been involved with horses on a personal level for years. They know that DIGESTIVE Issues present a serious threat to the health of horses— and they have formed a revolutionary product line which assists with the normal flow of digestion. Often, horses may have digestion difficulties by simple acts of severe weather change, change in their routine or an abrupt change in feed source.

Our products provide a common sense approach to keeping the digestive tract flow moving appropriately.
These products need to be readily available on your shelf. Very simple to use. Available in paste form and also in liquid form with oral dosing syringe.

Our “Horse Sense” Is… Well… Common Sense!
If you see signs of digestive flow not appropriately taking place, it may be as simple as your horse refusing feed. Horse Sense Solutions has different products for different needs. It's what you do first. Our product is unique to any product on the market, by the “response time" in maintaining the normal flow. Keep products readily available on your shelf. Our products DO NOT contain probiotics. We also make  a special formulation for Dogs & Cats.

Is Your Horse Just Not Cleaning Up The Grain and Hay Like They Should?   
Sometimes, horse don’t eat the way they should for a host of reasons. They may be depressed over the loss of a friend, a move to a new stable can have them upset or agitated. Perhaps they have an injury and just don’t feel up to ‘par’. Not eating property can lead to health conditions that harmful for your horse and terrible on your pocket book. If you have ever worried about your horse not cleaning up his feed bucket,  there is a simple answer. Use EAT UP to promote horses to finish feed with aggressive appetite. To promote healthy appetite and support normal digestion flow. Does not contain Probiotics. This unique formula is great for those “finicky" eaters turn them into real “hay burners". May be given to horses any age, size or weight. Mares in foal or lactating. For Equines Only.

How Does Eat-Up Work? What Makes It So Effective?

Often the digestive tract slows down when horses are stressed.  Our product is designed to keep the digestive tract flowing normally.  Also, if your horse is subjected to an abrupt change in feed.  The reason horses must have their diets changed slowly is that the microbial population in a cecum is somewhat specific as to what feedstuffs it can digest. The cecum is like a microbial fermentation vat that breaks down the fibrous feed stuff.  The microbes in the cecum are slow to modify and adapt to breaking down the different chemical structure of new feeds. Too abrupt a change in diet can cause the new feed not to properly digest. Our product goes in and works on the digestive flow.  So the larger feed particles keep moving normally.

What Temperature Do I Need To Store Eat-Up?
Best stored at Room Temperature 70 degrees. Although, high temperatures do not affect integrity of products. If accidentally freezes just thaw out and use will not affect the products. Temperature does not affect product. May keep in feed room or in trailer.

How Should EatUp Be Administered?
All products designed for easy application. Just lift your horse's or pet's head upward; with the included open end syringe (like a wormer) squeeze in the mouth and watch them swallow. Has a sweet taste! That's all there is to it! All Feeding Directions are located on labels. Oral dosing syringe is included in canister with all of our Liquid Formulas. 

Order Eat-UP Today and Watch Their Appetite Come Back!
Eat Up has been helping horses across America deal with the rigors of any stressful situation by restoring the appetite while supporting a healthy gut that is “flowing” naturally. At only $34.95 it is the most affordable, and often the most effective thing that can be done for horse as a preventative measure for any stressful situation. You’ll never regret having it. The 5 year shelf life makes it a truly worthwhile investment— call or order online today!

Contact: Reba 
P.O. Box 3848
Breckenridge, Colorado 80424
Phone: 800-448-8180
Website: Click Here To Connect

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