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Durasole by Alvin Farrier Supply
Is your horse tender footed on trail rides, after a rain storm or after a trim? Durasole is the answer! Durasole works by swelling and thickening  the cell membranes of the exfoliating sole, not by coating the sole with impermeable oils.

About Alvin Farrier Supply— Distributors of Durasole
Alvin Farrier Supply knows horses and is the main distributor of Durasole. It was established October 28th, 1992 by Tom and Janice Stiefel of Alvin, Texas. Tom, a Farrier of 30 years, developed the company after he was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and could no longer actively shoe horses.  He was joined by his wife, Janice, who retired from IBM at the Johnson Space Center after  30 years.  The company has grown steadily through the years in both walk-in, ship-out  and now internet customers with our new on-line catalog.  Due to this growth, the product base and buying power has allowed us to keep prices competitive.  In the fall of 1998, the building was enlarged for the third time and our daughter, Joy Smith, joined the company to keep up with the demands of the business.  In October of 1999, we opened our second location in Tomball, Texas , only 13 miles from the Sam Houston Race park.  Our youngest daughter Tonia operates this location.   We pride ourselves in providing quality customer service with friendliness and technical assistance.

Is It True That Durasole Has No Real Equal?

We believe Durasole to be the most effective sole hardner on the market. Since 1978, Durasole has been one of the best-kept secrets in the horse world. Distributed primarily through farrier and veterinary suppliers, Durasole has been used extensively and successfully on equine athletes engaged in strenuous activities over difficult terrain.  Used and recommended by many knowledgeable farriers and veterinarians, Durasole has helped keep horses sound everywhere from race tracks, show rings and event courses to rodeo arenas, endurance trails and polo fields:  Durasole is literally without peer… without equal! Durasole is highly concentrated and formulated to be used in small quantities. A few drops of Durasole on your horse's sole can make a big difference to your horse.

How Does Durasole Work?

Durasole acts as a fixative on the exfoliating sole and insensitive frog on the solar surface of the equine hoof.  It disables the intrinsic enzymes which would weaken mechanical composition of these structures, protects the structures from extrinsic damage from microorganisms in their environment, and alters the tissue of the exfoliating sole and insensitive frog at the molecular level, increasing their strength and rigidity by improving their mechanical stability and enhancing their primary function.

Formaldehyde is the primary fixing agent in Durasole and it causes proteins to crosslink in a meshwork, stabilizing the protein mass and preserving morphology. Although it is a strong reducing agent, formaldehyde fixes by an oxidative reaction, forming methylene bridges between the side amino groups of lysine and glutamine on different protein chains.

Is It True That Durasole Is An Extremely Effective Sole Toughener That Combats Yeast and Fungus?
Durasole is formulated to be an extremely effective sole toughener; additionally, the latest formulation of Durasole contains gentian violet to combat fungus and yeast infections and povidone-iodine solution in sufficient concentration to be effective in the treatment of thrush when aerobic conditions are maintained at the infection site.
What Do Does Say About Durasole?
My Morgan Mare Sugar had a barefoot trim that was a little shorter than usual, and she became dead lame on both front feet. At first I wasn’t too worried, but after a week she was still lame and I started to panic. I bought a bottle of Durasole and applied it to her front feet… and she limped into her stall. The next morning, I was literally dumbfounded to see her bound out of her stall, happy, no pain whatsoever, and she took off running in the pasture when I put her out. I’ll never be without Durasole.. it is a MIRACLE in a bottle!
— Ann Pruitt Director at

What Do Others Say About Durasole?
I used Durasole on my TB when we pulled his shoes, and he was pretty darn ouchy.  Two weeks later... Ta Daaaa he was sound.  I would use it again.

Here in New England, we seem to have terrain that is either rocks or mud.  As a result, I see horses with sole tenderness and horses with thrush.  I frequently recommend Durasole to my clients for horses with tender feet and horses with thrush.  The stuff is economical, works well, and doesn't stain things a garish shade of purple -CMN, DVM

I used Durasole last summer on my QH gelding, who'd been wearing pads due to a susceptibility to stone bruises, and who kept losing shoes.  After Durasole he was shod without pads for the rest of the summer and fall right up until he got his snow treads on, and his feet were fine on all sorts of footing both here and in Vermont, some of it way less than ideal.  He kept his shoes on better, too.  Anecdotal, certainly, but I'm a satisfied customer.

Just wanted to let you know that my horse said thanks!  He is in a pasture, low man on the totem pole, and had pulled his shoes several times in his frantic efforts to escape from the herd bully :).  We decided to let him be barefoot, instead of tearing up his feet.  He was incredibly sore after we pulled the shoes. He is OTT, so I doubt he has ever gone barefoot.


Woody says thanks too - I ride on some rocky trails and he used to get stone bruises very easily so we always kept pads on his front feet to keep him sound. Took the pads off and did the Durasole regime back in May, and he's been padless and doing great ever since. -SK

Stormy got his winter shoes on Thursday - rim pads and borium up front, pulled 'em behind.  Friday he was a teeny bit ouchy behind with some heat.  He looked sound in the rubber footing in the indoor, but was less forward than usual and picking up his hinds quicker than normal.  So I figured he'd need a little time off to toughen up. I slapped on some Durasole and turned him back out.  This morning, less than 24 hours later, he was back to normal.  Totally sound, very forward, using his hind end like he should. OK, so it's anecdotal, since we didn't have a control Stormy. :) Great stuff. -NM

Buy Durasole Today!
Make sure your horses hooves are protected! Durasole is sold throughout the country with many fine tack stores and online dealers like Jeffers, ValleyVet and Heartland Vet Supply. You can also buy from us directly for your convenience! 

Contact: Our Friendly Staff 
2498 County Road 145
Alvin, Texas 77511
Phone: 800-936-3636
Website: Click Here To Connect

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