Looking for Horse Business Management Software that is BEYOND “record keeping”? equineGenie is your silent “partner”, your “assistant manager” and your “personal assistant”!
How Does equineGenie Help Me as a Business Owner?
equineGenie is a complete management system that includes your business’s financials and accounting, horse care and management, business operations, purchasing, inventory and payables, and customer care, billing, invoicing and receivables - all integrated in one software program. You have instant access to all the information you need to make better business decisions. You do not need any other software programs. Therefore, you do not need to make multiple entries. equineGenie is the lowest cost of ownership of any horse management solution!
* equineGenie’s chart of accounts is for managing a horse business. Each account can have up to 999 subaccounts. This enables you to track, measure, manage and analyze your business to your the required level of detail.
* equineGenie supports both the English and Metric measurement system and your countries financials.
* equineGenie enables you to manage multiple departments, each with their individual income statements. This allows you to know which areas in your business need attention or are ready to grow and deserve additional investment.
* The purchase of equineGenie includes asktheGenie, a free service. asktheGenie is a stable of horse and business professionals and experts in horse care and management, business, finance and much more! They are readily available to help you analyze your horse business and answer any horse business questions!
* equineGenie can be username and password protected. Your business’s security can be setup so that its users can only have access to specific areas within equineGenie.
* equineGenie contains expert knowledge that help minimize your data entry and eliminate input errors while increasing your own horse business knowledge. The expert Knowledgebase included in equineGenie is supported with artificial intelligence and software logic that enables predictive modeling, resource optimization and heuristic learning. Your business is operating at maximum efficiently at all times and nothing falls through the crack because the ‘Genie’ never sleeps!
* equineGenie includes contact management, appointment tracking and notification, daily logs, calendars, tasks, and automatic reminders.
* equineGenie includes more than 500 comprehensive intelligent reports. If you need a particular report that is not already in equineGenie it can be created free of charge.
* equineGenie includes comprehensive Horse Care and Management, Stallion and Mare Reproduction, Showing, Training and Lessons
* equineGenie manages your horse information, uses and disciplines, department allocations, pedigree, insurance, nutrition and stores additional horse documents, images and videos.
* equineGenie assists in maintaining your horses’ health by reminding you when to administer the required preventative care. Preventative care includes a horse’s temperature, weight, height, vaccinations, deworming, dental and farrier work. You can administer and manage vaccinations, deworming and farrier work to your entire herd or the horses in a specific location.
* If a horse needs general health care equineGenie tracks and manages a horse’s health care from diagnosis through recovery reminding you when medications or health care tasks need to be administered. equineGenie can store x-rays, medical documents and images, and videos.
* Preventative care and general health care on a customer’s horse can be easily charged to the customer’s horse billing log for invoicing.
* equineGenie includes a comprehensive stallion and mare reproduction capability enabling you to track and manage your stallions services and your mares complete estrous cycle. Stallion reproduction includes live cover, semen collection, preparation and shipping, and frozen semen preparation, storage, inventory management and shipping. The mare reproduction includes all the activities associated with pre and post breeding including embryo transfer, insemination, foaling date projections, ultrasound image storage, pre and post foaling tracking and management.
* Stallion and mare reproduction on a customer’s horse can be easily charged to the customer’s horse billing log for invoicing.
* equineGenie schedules shows with reminders when to send in show entries. You can record specific show entries in equineGenie by entering classes, riders and judges. equineGenie tracks and manages show results, placements including times, points and awards, cost, and winnings. You can store show pictures and videos. Show charges on a customer’s horse can be easily charged to the customer’s horse billing log for invoicing.
* equineGenie schedules a horse’s training and can include the use of multiple trainers for different training disciplines. Training results are tracked, measured and managed for facility use, trainer cost, horse income and customer billing. You can store training pictures and videos. Training charges on a customer’s horse can be easily charged to the customer’s horse billing log for invoicing.
* equineGenie schedules customer riding lessons and can include the use of multiple instructors for different lesson disciplines. Group lessons and customer horses can be included when scheduling lessons. Lesson results are tracked, measured and managed for facility use, instructor cost, lesson horse income and customer billing. You can store lesson pictures and videos. Lesson charges for a customer can be easily charged to the customer’s billing log for invoicing.
equineGenie includes Business Operations Management of Supplier, Purchases, Inventory, Employees, Assets, Vehicles and Equipment
* In any business, but particularly a horse business, it isn’t what you make, it’s what you keep. Missing from horse recordkeeping and accounting systems is the connection between business operations and the expense and income associated with an individual horse, customer, business activity or task, supplier or vendor and labor cost.
* equineGenie manages and analyzes your suppliers, supplied items, purchase and inventory. equineGenie manages inventory stocking levels and generates reorder reminders saving you time and misused cash. You can store your receipts for easy recall by date and purchase.
* equineGenie manages your vehicles, equipment and capital assets by tracking and analyzing their maintenance , repairs, utilization and utilization cost. equineGenie provides trip logs, fuel usage and cost per mile or kilometer. Vehicles and equipment can be allocated to one or more departments. Maintenance reminders can be scheduled by mileage used or time of use.
* equineGenie tracks and manages employee and contractor information, job assignments, work schedules, insurance and expense reports. equineGenie does not do payroll, but does provide for reporting all employee taxes. equineGenie tracks the amount paid to contractors and provides the yearend 1099 information.
equineGenie includes Customer Care and Management, Billing Logs, Invoicing and Receivables, Customer Receipts and Statements
* Timely customer invoicing is important for your business’s cash flow, but the profit from your invoicing is essential to the ongoing financial health of your business. equineGenie tracks, manages and analyzes your customer billing from invoicing through and including your receivables.
* equineGenie manages and analyzes your customers, the services and products you provide, and your billing and invoicing. Each billing log entry automatically creates an invoice line item.
* equineGenie manages your invoicing history, invoice delinquencies and customer receivables.
* equineGenie can provide a receipt for a customer that is not invoiced and statements for customers that are invoiced.
* equineGenie tracks and manages the income and expenses on all your customers and their horses.
* equineGenie tracks and manages the income associates with your horses you use servicing your customers.
* equineGenie supports the management of multiple income generating businesses such as an equestrian center with a tack shop.
equineGenie Has 4 Horse Business Management Solutions With A Price Right For You!
equineGenie Stable ($349US): This Management Solution is for a Horse Boarding or an Equestrian Center Business! It includes: Financial Management; Horse Care and Management; Business Operations; Customer Management and Invoicing.
equineGenie Trainer ($399US): This Management Solution is for a Horse Training and or a Riding Lesson Business! It includes: Financial Management; Horse Care and Management; Horse Training and Riding Lessons; Business Operations; Customer Management and Invoicing.
equineGenie Breeder ($449US): This Management Solution is for a Horse Breeding Business! It includes: Financial Management; Horse Care and Management; Stallion and Mare Reproduction; Business Operations; Customer Management and Invoicing.
equineGenie Pro ($499US): This Management Solution is for the All-Inclusive Horse Business! It includes: Financial Management; Horse Care and Management; Stallion and Mare Reproduction; Horse Training and Riding Lessons; Business Operations; Customer Management and Invoicing.
clientGenie ($199US): clientGenie puts your equineGenie management solution at your fingertips any time, any place, anywhere in the world! clientGenie provides a managed secure encrypted connection to Your equineGenie System via a wired or wireless local area network (LAN/WAN) or the Internet. Multiple users can be on a clientGenie/equineGenie connection at the same time. Multiple users can be entering information into equineGenie on the same screen at the same time. You are never competing use other users of connection time.
Is It True That There Are NO Additional or Re-Ocurring Charges?
Yes! All equineGenie horse Business Management solutions are a onetime charge. They all include free setup help, unlimited product training, unlimited ongoing support, and software updates. There are no monthly charges or annual fees. We have customers in 26 countries. Our live person support is available 24/7, anywhere in the world!
Will Any Computer With Windows Work?
Yes equineGenie is compatible with Windows 98 through and including Windows 10, 32 and 64 bit. equineGenie will run on any computing device that supports a Windows operating system. This includes desktops, laptops, flip books and tablets. equineGenie will run on any Apple computer that supports Windows using Parallels or VMware Fusion. equineGenie takes up less than 400 Mbytes of disk space including your equineGenie data file.
Call equineGenie Today!
You will wonder how you ever got along without it! equineGenie is the business partner that works for you seven days a week, 24 hours a day and never sleeps. Call today and let us help put the "genie" to work for your business!
Contact: Bob Valentine PhD
P.O. Box 271924
Fort Collins, Colorado 80527
Phone: 970-682-2645
Email: Website: Click Here To Connect