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Performance Equine Nutrition
Is your horse nervous, spooky, unsettled and irritable— even with great training, warm ups and good food? Performance Equine Nutrition has the answers you are looking for!

About Performance Equine Nutrition

Performance Equine Nutrition is dedicated to bringing performance horses into a state of physical AND mental well being one horse at a time. Our products are made with USP grade compounds. We will NOT use cheap animal stock grade nutrients. We use superior quality ingredients insuring uncompromising quality and purity. This is what sets us apart from other supplement companies and is what makes our product line highly effective. We have the finest quality therapeutic formulations available in the equine market and this is why horses respond quickly and are able to maintain high levels of fitness and performance. We can offer this superior quality at an affordable price because we sell directly to you, the customer. No middle man… we sell DIRECT so every horse can afford to be their best!

Is Magnesium Really THAT Important To My Horse?

Very few people are aware of the enormous role magnesium plays in a horse’s body. After oxygen, water, and basic food, magnesium may be the most important element needed to maintain health. It is vitally important, yet hardly known.   Magnesium is by far the most important mineral, regulating over 325 enzymes in the body.  Magnesium supplementation has been shown to improve performance and allow human athletes to reach exhaustion later in their exercise routine. It increases oxygen delivery to muscle tissue; it promotes muscle strength, endurance and relaxation. Magnesium also activates enzymes necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates and amino acids which lead to protein synthesis.

How Do I Know If My Horse Is Low In Magnesium?

Horses with magnesium deficiency may have all or only a few of these signs so it is important be aware of them.    They may be borderline and only exhibit signs during competition or stress.  For instance, horses with magnesium deficiency often have very sore tight backs in spite of excellent saddles and pad, proper fit, conditioning and training.  They don’t respond well to chiropractic adjustments and massages or these treatments don’t last more than a couple days and the tension and soreness return.  They often resent or even act afraid of being touched leading the owner to ask themselves, ‘Is someone abusing this horse when I am not around?’  Their response to outside stimuli is over reactive and they tend to become fractious, worried, fearful or resistant to training.

* Unable to relax physically or mentally
* Muscle tremors, twitches, flinching skin, or all over body trembling especially after exertion (not heat related)
* Body tension
* Does not tolerate long periods of work– often becoming more excited instead of working down
* Has difficulty with collection or picking his back up under saddle, moves hollow
* Random spooking, running through the bridle, inconsistent from one ride to the next
* Angry about being brushed, blanketed or touched or palpated on either side of spine
* History of tying up
* Fatigue
* Painful heats in mares
* Bucking or rearing 20-30 minutes into a ride for no apparent reason
* Requires long periods of lunging before being able to focus on work
* Would be described as ‘thin skinned’ or over sensitive to sound or movement
* Massage and chiropractic adjustments do not have lasting affects
* Teeth grinding
* Irregular heartbeat or pounding heart- endurance horses often experience this at vet checks

What  Kinds of Activities Can Cause My Horse To Loose Magnesium?
Magnesium is assimilated quickly in times of stress, such as traveling or heavy training.  Horses lose magnesium through sweat and urine.  Many performance horses can become deficient as the season progresses as they are using the available magnesium more rapidly due to stress, travel and competition.

Note: Horses with low magnesium status will often crave salt, which exacerbates the shortfall.  Calcium-rich diets can create an imbalance.

Can It Help My CUSHINGS Horse?
Many horses with cushings are becoming more comfortable and living longer with Performance Equine Nutrition. Just see the video below!

What Magnesium 3 Products Does Equine Performance Nutrition Offer?

Performance Equine Nutrition is dedicated to bringing performance horses into a state of physical AND mental well being one horse at a time. We are dedicated to your horse’s well being and success. This is our mission. We offer a full line of products specifically designed to keep your horse in balance both physically and mentally.

MagRestore®: MagRestore® is formulated for superior bio-availability and palatability. Magnesium is needed for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body and is vital to nerve and muscle function. MagRestore® is a patented form of magnesium, consists of one molecule of malic acid attached to two molecules of magnesium, and represents an excellent source of magnesium and malic acid, with superior bio-availability. In addition, as malate does not react with gastric acids, it does not upset the digestive system as is sometimes the case with other forms of magnesium. Now available in pellets and made in the USA! 45 Servings! Only $19.99

Focus/ MagRestore COMBO: The perfect combination to help restore healthy magnesium levels and encourage a quiet, more focused mind. When a horse has been coping with low magnesium for some time, it can develop a negative association to work, people, the trailer, baths, saddling, brushing etc. They will often start to refuse to work and become difficult to train. That is mental and Focus helps in this area. They often work up instead of down. They are now in a cycle that is hard to break unless we help. Low magnesium creates mental anxiety, anxiety and fear release adrenaline which rapidly depletes available magnesium. This becomes a vicious cycle. Focus quiets a busy, fearful, anxious mind reducing the bodies need to release adrenaline. It also addresses the bad mental habits that have now become part of the horses daily behavior while magnesium addresses they physical symptoms that started this whole cycle in motion. Soon, the horse begins to feel better physically and mentally and coping with everyday things becomes easier.
Now available in pellets and made in the USA! 7 Servings of FOCUS and 45 servings of MagRESTORE--Only $38.99!

FocusEquine : The perfect choice for calming nervous horses! Promotes a willingness to please and a winning co-operative mood. Use prior to competitions, work outs or re-hab. Useful in any stressful situation. Decreases excitability while maintaining energy for work.
7 Servings: Made in the USA! Only $25.99

Is It True That Equine Performance Nutrition Offers FREE Consultations?

YES! PEN (Performance Equine Nutrition) offers one on one consultations as a complimentary service to our customers to help choose the best products for the individual needs of their horse. We know the performance horse industry and the high demands placed on today’s competitive horse. We understand that each horse is different with it’s own individual needs and we can help you meet them.  Be SURE to take our QUESTIONNAIRE so that you can see if YOUR horse can benefit from our amazing products!

What Do Horse Owner SAY About Performance Equine Nutrition Products?

THANK YOU!!! I know for certain that your products helped save ‘Hitch’ and allowed us to become a true team. You helped us when I had no idea where to go or what do to help him. You were able to determine what he needed help his tremors, flinching when I brushed him, and his general ‘grumpiness’. Hitch has been a different horse since starting your products! We’ve now qualified 2 years in a row to the NRCHA World Championship Show.  THANK YOU CARLA and Performance Equine.

Sorry I took a while to write this!  I had talked  to Carla about my barrel horse having “Thumps” which is equine hiccups! I thought I was doing everything right! Thumps is usually a calcium,potassium and magnesium deficiency! I  never thought he needed magnesium! But, that was exactly what he was lacking! He is absolutely a totally different horse! He no longer has thumps! He is feeling really good! We are running fastest times we have ever run in different arenas! Pulling checks and I am just so happy he’s feeling better! Carla is not only knowledgeable and sweet but she truly cares about your horses well being! She’s not trying to sell you a product she really cares! Everyone keeps asking what I’ve done different and I tell them to contact Carla! Thank you Carla for everything! You and your products are amazing! This is only the beginning!  Sal Caruso and PM Handfull of Cash aka “Gambler”
Sal Caruso

MagRestore rocks! Why? Because it was part of the protocol that got my EPSM horse back into full work. Long story short – my Irish Sport Horse and I have been eventing partners for over 10 years. In 2014, his body conditioned declined and staying in the canter was impossible for him. He struggled to depart then it was 4 beats. I could only work him for 20 minutes realizing he was so uncomfortable… but he wasn’t lame in the traditional sense (e.g. tendon/ligament/bone). I was considering retiring him…I did my research and found that MagRestore was the most bio-available and the addition of Malic acid is an added bonus for it’s ability to help remove toxins. Lastly, my horse is a picky eater and prefers pellets over powder. A win-win-win all around for him!

Within one month the change in him was astounding. Sounds too good to be true and I would have been suspicious it if I hadn’t seen it myself. My horse could canter again, with impulsion, a clear 3-beat gait. And he was willing to do more; he was happy again. I’ve been feeding him the MagRestore for a year now – AM and PM. He is fit, happy, able to work for 60 minutes easily. I truly believe that the majority of performance horses need additional Magnesium to support muscle function. I now think of “body soreness” very differently and look suggest to other horse owners to consider adding Magnesium (MagRestore) to their horses diet.
Thank you PEN for being a part of bring my horse back to health!

Sincerely – Lora (and Davey the ISH)

JUST WANTED TO SAY A BIG THANK YOU. My horse has showed such a great improvement I can hardly believe it. He was so sore that he could hardly pick up a hoof . Well not anymore. He is bouncing around and feeling like a youngster. Thank you so much!

Order From Performance Equine Nutrition Today!
Performance Equine Nutrition is dedicated to bringing performance horses into a state of physical AND mental well being one horse at a time. We are available for a free consultation. Join the happy horses and trainers that use our products to restore their horses to health, happiness and top performance. Call us today— and let us help you with your horses!

Contact: Carla 
985 Eastman Lane
Petaluma, California 94952
Phone: 707-766-8624
Website: Click Here To Connect

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