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Butler Professional Farrier School
Become a Horse Shoer – Attend a Farrier School That’s Affordable, Has Expert Instructors and Focuses on Horseshoeing as a Professional Career.

How Did Butler Professional Farrier School Come to Be?
The history begins many years ago when Doug Butler became the pioneer of modern farrier education. It started when he published his first book as a student in 1965 at the request of his mentor Ralph Hoover. Our publishing company started with the first edition of The Principles of Horseshoeing in 1974.  Since then, many other training materials have been published by our parent company, Doug Butler Enterprises, Inc., which has become known as the “Trusted Voice in Farrier Education”! Our products have been used by more horseshoeing schools and individuals than any other. Many of today’s top hoof care providers have used Doug’s training materials to achieve excellence in their chosen professions. Doug is delighted that two of his sons developed a similar passion for excellence in principle-based farrier education. Jake and Pete Butler are owners who are now operating Butler Professional Farrier School, LLC.

When Did Butler Professional Farrier School Begin?
After searching many states for the right opportunity and facility, Doug, Jake and Pete Butler opened BPFS in January 2007. Since then, students have attended from coast to coast and six different continents.  DBE is a family-owned business now located on a ranch south of Chadron, Nebraska.

Is It True That Butler Has  "Farrier Focus Podcasts" ?
Yes! We are pleased to announce Farrier Focus Podcasts. New programs are posted weekly.  These popular audio segments feature interviews with practicing farriers as well as legends in the farrier industry. These interesting and
informative audio segments can be listened to while you are driving or studying. You will learn valuable tips and gain a new perspective that will help you grow your farrier business. You can listen to them on your phone or your truck radio. Download the Podcast (I phone) or Stitcher (android phone) app to begin listening.

What Are the Qualifications of BPFS Instructors?
Jacob Butler CJF, AWCF
- Jake has been shoeing horses professionally for more than 20 years. In addition to teaching at BPFS, he taught horseshoeing at Mesalands Community College in Tucumcari, New Mexico, for four years. Jake has a special interest in the anatomy of the horse and has taught at the AFA Convention’s anatomy lab for over a dozen years. Jake is co-author of The Principles of Horseshoeing (P3) and co-author of Essential Principles of Horseshoeing. Jake helps students understand best procedures and customer relations. Horse owners come from great distances to have him shoe their valuable horses.

Peter Butler, CJF

Pete has been shoeing for more than 15 years. He has studied and practices the methods of the masters of horse behavior modification. Pete relates well to the beginning student as he helps students feel comfortable around horses and develop their horsemanship skills. He is a bladesmith and tool maker, who teaches forging techniques with an unforgettable, unique step-by-step sequence. He designed the layout and teaching illustrations in Essential Principles of Horseshoeing and continues to create classroom videos to explain complex procedures in an easy-to-understand manner.

Doug Butler, PhD, CJF, FWCF
Doug Butler is an internationally known farrier, educator and author with over 55 years of practical, professional farrier experience. Over the years, Doug has trained hundreds of top farriers and farrier educators. He loves all aspects of the Craft and especially enjoys seeing farrier students succeed. He is pleased his sons, Jake and Pete, have a similar dedication to education and superior horse foot care treatment and are carrying on the legacy of excellence in farrier education.

What Is Butler Professional Farrier School’s Teaching Philosophy and Curriculum?
BPFS consistently ranks as one of the most respected farrier schools in the United States. We teach fundamental (basic) and advanced (specialized) horseshoeing techniques using a proven sequence of instruction designed to help you learn more in a shorter period of time. We work with you one-on-one to ensure that you thoroughly understand not only the how but the WHY of each step in the horse foot care process.

The curriculum at BPFS teaches you progressive skill levels based on a unique matrix of sequential learning created by Doug Butler from his research on how farriers learn best. This unique learning matrix combines the best ideas from American and British farrier training and emphasizes the importance for farrier students to realize they must master one part of the craft before they can grasp and master another. 

What Is the Class Size and Course Lengths?   
We accept no more than 8 students per class, so our student: teacher ratio and proven teaching matrix allows lots of one-on-one time with each student. You want and deserve the best instruction and training available to “get it right the first time.” Our course is twelve weeks divided into two six-week modules – the foundation course and the specialized course. Our home study pre-course enables students to “hit the ground running” when they first arrive at BPFS!  In addition, shorter customized tune-up courses are available for BPFS graduates and other qualified individuals.

How Does BPFS’s Schedule Work?
We are highly rated by students. We require daily homework with a comprehensive and practical final exam, adherence to a daily routine that includes working on horses every weekday, learning about all aspects of horse care and business building that are equally important to forgework and horseshoeing.

What Does BPFS’s World-class Facilities Include?
Classroom, individual forging stations, large arena for observing movement, office, kitchen and dormitory are all under one roof. Our facilities are clean, noon meals are provided and a student laundry is available. Live shoeing practice occurs daily with our own BPFS horses onsite, as well as shoeing for many area horse owners who travel to our location. You’ll use the best working tools to learn with, and have access to the largest collection of horseshoes, pictures, teaching aides, and foot models in America.

How Is BPFS Different Than Other Horseshoeing Schools?
BPFS is the most affordable farrier school available. There is no extra charge for lab fees, learning materials, steel or propane that add more to your tuition cost. Over the years we have taught courses of varying lengths, and we have found that six weeks is the minimum time one really can learn the basics of horseshoeing. Any less time provides merely an introduction and doesn’t give students the time to fully develop each skill before moving on to the next level. At BPFS we shorten your learning curve with the teaching techniques we’ve learned by experience. 

So What Makes BPFS Graduates So Amazingly Different and Effective?

BPFS focuses on Balance and Firm Foundations for horses and people.  Balance is critical to maintain a horse’s soundness. We teach you to see three-dimensional balance techniques that have been verified by scientific research. These are the most practical and effective means of maintaining or restoring soundness. 

Yes, you spend time each day learning to forge and shape horseshoes. Yet, we also teach horsemanship, people skills and business training that are also important parts of a successful career as a farrier. We believe developing healthy, positive attitudes and habits form a critical part of your horseshoeing career. Commitment to highest standards has put BPFS on the world stage of farrier training.

Along with learning the art of horseshoeing, our students learn about horses and the horse business – from how to handle horses to how to interact with clients to how to organize your business records.  You will learn how to apply the topics from the textbook – not just read about them – to gain superior know-how!

How Does BPFS Offer Such Amazing Results?
We expect students to be serious about attending BPFS and come willing to learn.  They must have a good work ethic, be disciplined and have a desire to excel. We expect our students to have high standards of character and to be dependable and responsible. 

What Results Can a Student Expect?
BPFS curriculum is the most effective in the business. Students are exposed to a maximum amount of material in the shortest time possible. Using a proprietary system developed over many years, students learn faster and retain more than at other schools.

What Can Horse Owners Expect?
Horse owners appreciate our caring and knowledgeable graduates that can deliver farrier service in a professional manner. With any difficult problem cases, graduates have continued access to the instructors’ help. Graduates recognize their limitations and will be honest and trustworthy to help horses perform at their optimal level.

Why YOU Should Attend BPFS 
Butler Professional Farrier School is clearly one of the best choices in American farrier schools today. The education and quality of instruction you receive at BPFS will be the best, highest value for your dollar -- making it truly one of the most affordable farrier schools in the United States. At Butler Professional Farrier School you learn it right the first time. But as one student put it: “Farriery is not for the faint of heart! You need to be prepared for the commitment that is involved.”

What Do Farriers, Students, Veterinarians and Horse Care Professionals say about Butler Professional Farrier School?
After talking to other farriers about the schools they attended, I realize the foundation course we get here at BPFS includes most of what other schools’ advanced classes contain ... I really respect that here the horse comes first ...              -- Kelly, Canada

I had a wonderful experience.  The best part has been being successful in accomplishing what I came out here to do. … Classroom content was followed up with shoeing where I saw examples of what we just talked about that morning.  I feel the information really just sticks to you.  It has added to my confidence – I’ve picked up the ability to learn and get better at new things --Tyler, North Carolina

The shared knowledge is just wonderful – I’m overwhelmed by how freely Jake and Pete have shared their knowledge with me. Their knowledge has surpassed all I expected.  There were always horses to work on. Coming back from Iraq with the injuries I had, physically and emotionally, working with horses really helped me out a lot. … I think the course was first class all the way.  --Wayne, Nebraska 

BPFS instructors know how to teach it!  If we didn’t understand something, they’d stop and explain it to us and made sure we knew how to do it. We learned step by step. … You can take the book knowledge and the lecture, apply it and see it hands-on. … Looking at your horses, I can say, “This one has ringbone, and that one is knock-kneed.”  My background helps – I was raised in a good Christian home, and my folks taught me to be honest and work hard. There’s a big difference between just shoeing a horse and shoeing him so he’s comfortable, and he can work and move without pain to the best of his ability. 
   --Dan, Colorado   
I’ve never gotten underneath horses like I have at BPFS. … That was probably my biggest concern before coming – I wanted to know if I can do this work, and I learned I can!”    --David, North Carolina
 “I needed an upgrade, and that’s the reason I came back!  My blacksmithing improved and my horsemanship did, too. The main goal was to gain more knowledge in certain practices. ... I’ve done 90% of the business practices I learned the first time, and it has really paid off. … I’ve written down all Jake’s formulas. Coming back the second time has met my expectations. 
--Kevin, Canada                                             

The best part of class for me was learning the techniques you teach.  As far as what we’ve learned and the different perspectives, there was a lot more at BPFS than at the last horseshoeing school I attended.  I feel a lot more confident.  It’s a learning environment with experienced teachers. -- Calvin, Nebraska

These six weeks at BPFS are as six or seven months because it is very intensive. This has been the greatest learning experience of my life as a vet or as a future farrier. -- Cristiano, DVM, Italy

The classroom time really sold me because other schools don’t emphasize that. The daily schedule helps you know what you’re going to be doing each day and know what to expect.   -- Dani, Iowa

Things I was taught as an apprentice were even more important in the way they were covered at BPFS – it made it all come together. I’m a lot more efficient. It was a good mixture of everything … I took advantage of working in the forge in the evenings and on Saturday.  I’m going to get right back to apprenticing, then take over the man’s clients because he’s retiring. …  I plan to come back for the advanced course in three week segments because I’ll have the business then.    --Tom, New Hampshire             

Everything is well thought out and organized. It’s not only the school and the learning – it’s a special welcome feeling, and I appreciate what Butlers really give in this experience at BPFS. I’m really happy I completed it … the second course was even more concentrated and focused. … Attitude is important, and someone who thinks they already know it all should go someplace else.  --Ronen, Israel                                      

Watching and seeing the improvements I’ve made at BPFS has been the best part.  I didn’t really look into any other schools. … Jake has been very patient and always answers my questions.  It exceeded my expectations!  This has been an in depth study of the whole horse, including the foot and the leg; I’ve learned a lot of stuff I didn’t know.  I’m glad I’ve been here. --Russ, Georgia

I tried another school ... but had to deal with a group of people that weren’t serious [about learning]. The attitude at BPFS is, we’re here to learn and the Butler Team is here to teach.     – David, Texas

Dr. Butler knows how to design training! He knows what people can and can’t do. Each instructor is exceptional in his own way. The horsemanship part was definitely Pete – he’s got a gift, a gift from God. Jake is an exceptional teacher – he makes it fun because he loves it. Jake’s enthusiasm is contagious! … I’ve learned a lot – I’m answering questions and identifying anatomy that I couldn’t have five weeks ago. I’ve surprised myself in how much I’ve learned being at BPFS. This school is a life-changing experience for me. It’s worth every cent! I plan to come back!
  -- Sean, Colorado

I didn’t have a lot of experience with horse shoeing and trimming before I came. Everything I learned, I learned here. … It’s been great seeing what I’ve been able to do to help lame horses become comfortable and return to useful service. I look forward to helping my own horse that has a problem I haven’t known what to do for before now. I’m going to come back for the advanced course.    --Tonya, Norway

…this school appealed to me because of the instructors – they knew how to teach so we actually learned it and grasped it. I found an efficiency apartment, and it was perfect. I’ve done my time: I bunked with other guys in the Army, and I didn’t want to do that anymore! … One disadvantage to staying offsite was forge time – being able to go out and forge when you want to is a huge advantage to staying in the bunkhouse. … You expect us to come here to learn, not to goof off.  It’s not a “party time” – it’s a work time and a learning time!  If you come to this school, be prepared to work.                                   --Jim, New York

I would tell someone who wants to attend farrier school that you learn a lot at BPFS, and it’s lots of fun!  It’s a really good atmosphere for learning with the people you’re around.  I liked not being compared to others, and there weren’t a lot of distractions. I liked the school a lot and the atmosphere here – I think I’ve learned a lot. -- Caleb, Kansas

I really like it here. The thing I liked the best was the very tight sense of community I don’t think I would have gotten anywhere else. There is a low class number. There is a lot of individual attention here. One advantage I had was I came right out of high school – I graduated in May, so I was used to having actually more bookwork than I’ve had here.          --Elizabeth, Indiana 

The only concern I had was getting back to studying at my age and the intensity of the classes.  I haven’t dealt with horses for probably over 10 years. Jake taught anatomy very well so I could learn it. I don’t like to sit around and be idle – there was always something worthwhile to learn and to do. …There’s so much useful information, including horsemanship skills, taught here. --Jack, Virginia     
In the morning class – if we learned about founder, that day, we go fix the horses which have founder – it’s very good:  We LEARN in the morning and DO in the afternoon!  With the homework, something’s carved into my brain so I can remember because I’m drawing.      -- “Andrew,” South Korea
Probably my best part was being able to learn so much from Jake and Pete.  It was a huge, great experience. … The only background I had was riding horses – I learned shoeing skills and how to forge, trim horses, balance – now I know whether horses are balanced or not, and that’s a huge skill right there. … The hospitality here was phenomenal! … I’m glad I actually came here for the fact of how personable it has been. --Jason, California  

There’s a lot of one-on-one with Jake and Pete.  They come around and check our work.  They’re making sure you do it right. The time we worked in the forge we really had to think how we would use the information we were taught in the classroom and apply it. …It made me sure of what I knew and what I didn’t know.  --C.J., Connecticut

I enjoyed being here. The best thing I liked was the whole picture – everything is important.  The anatomy was a very good way to start the day. This experience has prepared me when I go home to use this with my clients. I expected a lot from the time I’ve been here.  With the experience and qualifications the instructors have, they are the best people in the industry to teach. You can concentrate here – there aren’t distractions. --Jacov, Sweden

Any questions you have get answered. Yet they’re very willing to let you figure it out on your own, unless you absolutely need help, and I love that! … This course has helped me become a better farrier and taught me the things I need to know. My confidence improved since I’ve been here. … It was helpful to see actual problems on horses, individual horse’s behavior and how to act around that horse.  I definitely learned the important role of balance. I haven’t felt like I’ve ‘hit any brick walls’ since I’ve been here. I knew that Jake or Pete would have been there to help me. --Jake, Pennsylvania

The BPFS size of the class was perfect ... you’re not getting lost in the mix ... It’s been the opportunity of a lifetime.            – Steve, Colorado

Call Jake Today To Discuss A Bright Future As A Farrier! 

If you are interested in a career that is exciting every day, has the potential to make some of the best money in the horse business, let's you set your own work schedule and gives you a chance to work with great people and horses- you need to call us today! We look forward to hearing from you. Just Call 308-665-1510 to talk with Jake or leave a message at 800-728-3826, email or visit our website!

Contact: Butler Professional Farrier School 
495 Table Road
Crawford, Nebraska 69339
Phone: 800-728-3826 or 308-665-1510
Website: Click Here To Connect

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