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E-Z Up Stirrup Extender
E-Z Up Stirrup Extender helps to relieve both the anxiety— and the potential danger-- by assisting you in mounting your horse no matter where you are. It drops a FULL 3 inches and snaps back in place!

How Did The E-Z Up Stirrup Extender Company Come To Be?
As horse riders, I am sure you can recall times on the trail— or even the arena— when getting up, wasn’t easy! The E-Z Up Stirrup Extender Company  slogan is “Sometimes there just isn’t a stump around”. This statement came after a light hearted discussion regarding the dilemma of mounting your horse. This includes  dismounting during trail rides to open a gate, use the restroom, or simply losing your hat in the wind and not having a way of getting back on your horse. So you find yourself walking your horse ,sometimes for quite a distance, to find that something to stand on to give you that needed few inches to get back on your horse.

Is The E-Z Up Stirrup Extender Easy To Use?
It has to be! We understand that riding a horse takes concentration and energy— that is why horse riders love our super easy to use E-Z Up Stirrup Extender! E-Z Up Stirrup Extender lowers your stirrup three inches with the push of a button then locks back in place with the lift of  your toe. That 3 inches is a BIG relief to people with taller horses or who struggle to get up into the stirrup…. at only $89 + $11 in shipping and handling— it is a super affordable cure, to the “help me get into the saddle” blues…

But, Is The E-Z Up Stirrup Extender Made to Last?

Absolutely! E-Z Up Brand Stirrup Extenders are made with the finest of cast aluminum, steel and stainless steel. Each unit is hand crafted and inspected. If you have any problems with your E-Z Up Brand Stirrup Extender we guarantee FREE repair or replacement if it is within two years of purchase, and it was under normal usage.                                                      
Don’t Let Getting “Older” Stop You From The JOY of Riding Your Horse?
At E-Z Up Stirrup Extender we have heard one statement at least a “ Gillion” times (that’s right we said G-I-L-L-I-O-N!).

That statement is:
“ If I can’t get up into my saddle I will quit riding”.

That is a bunch of BUNK!— and, frankly, people who ride longer stay more fit and active—both physically and mentally-- so it is healthier to keep riding! As we mature and much of life’s challenges are behind us we are allowed more leisure time. This is the time when being on your horse is even more rewarding. It is important to accept our limits as we get older but it is even more important to continue enjoying our relaxation time on the back of your horse. EZ Up helps in that transition by producing products to assist us in mounting our horses and making your ride more comfortable.

But I Get Sore Ankles and Calves While I Ride…
We hear that over and over and have experienced that ourselves: “It is more comfortable walking than riding my horse”--
everyone that rides a horse knows the feeling of “stressed knees”. The way stirrups are mounted, especially in western saddles, puts a lot of stress on your knees and ankles. The soreness  continues to get worse the more time we ride. Sometimes we ride with our feet out of the stirrups to alleviate the pain. It even feels more comfortable sometimes to just walk and lead our horse behind us.

But How Can E-Z Up Help My Sore Ankles and Knees?
Using stirrup swivels eliminates knee and ankle stress and makes our ride more pleasurable. EZ Up brand pride ourselves in helping riders mount easier and have a more comfortable ride.That is why you will LOVE our E-Z Up Swivel (if you don’t want the help mounting) or our VERY Popular E-Z Up Stirrup Extender COMBO that has the 3 inch extender, AND swivels to comfortably fit your ankle position. You’ll love the relief and comfort it brings and it is our MOST popular seller by far!

COMBO Includes: One Stirrup Extender -for the side you mount on--and two Stirrup Swivels so that both ankles can enjoy the soothing comfort. You’ll love the way our Combo combines the technology of both products: Lowers your stirrup 3 inches for easier mounting plus allows the stirrups to swivel 360 degrees for a more pleasurable ride with less leg and knee strain. $139.00 plus $11 Shipping & Handling

But What If I Want To Keep The Stirrup I Have and Only Purchase The Swivel?
If you don't want the stirrups, the  Swivel Only is $49.95 + $11 shipping.

What Do Horse Owners Say About Their E-Z Up Stirrup Extenders, Swivels or Combos?

During my duration at the Reno Rodeo, I was drawn to the E-Z Up Stirrup Extender booth several times. As I have been troubled with knee pain while riding, which at times was very uncomfortable, it was getting to the point where I thought I should give up riding horses. The pain in my knees made my rides very un-pleasurable. I was told that the E-Z Up Stirrup Swivels could cure my problem or at least help a great deal. I thought after all the money I have spent on my horses and tack, which adds up to a pretty sum, it would be worth the investment to try the EZ-Up Stirrup Swivel. I bought a pair of the 3” E-Z Up Stirrup Extender Swivels

I attached it to my Rope Saddle. I rode for two hours and was thrilled to report that I had “NO” pain at all in my knees during or after the ride. I want to thank EZ Up for saving my riding life with my horses. I am looking forward to many more years of riding horses thanks to the E-Z Up Stirrup Extender Swivels. I recommend that if you are having pain in your knees while riding to give them a try.
Bonnie R.   Reno, NV.

I tried the E-Z Up Stirrup Extender this weekend. They are GREAT! I was able to ride longer without any pain in my knee that had surgery. I can’t say enough good about this product. It only takes a minute to attach them to your saddle and off you go. It was so easy… I loaned them to my neighbor who is having difficulty with arthritis in her knees. Her problem is more severe than mine. I will let you know what she says. I may not get them back. ha ha!
Charlotte G.

Words fail me in knowing how to say thank you! Your “old fashioned” courtesy and kindness was both refreshing and humbling. My wife and I just absolutely LOVE your fine products. They are not only unique but practical and very well made with quality materials.
John & Donna R.  Wheatland, WY.

Ride With Comfort, and Security Today— With E-Z Up Stirrup Extenders, Swivel or Combo Today!
You have the beautiful horse, the best feed, a great saddle and tack, but if you struggle getting into the saddle (and we all do from time to time!) or suffer with sore knees, ankles or calves after a ride, you can say goodbye to these struggles forever with the E-Z Up Stirrup Extender, Combo or Swivel. Once you try it, you’ll honestly wonder how on earth you got along with out it! Call and order today— Bill is happy to answer all your questions and help you with your order!

Contact: Our Friendly Staff 
11844 Haber Road
Englewood, Ohio 45322-8788
Phone: (937) 510-5810
Website: Click Here To Connect

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