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Stay-Tuff Fence
The most DURABLE “Non-Climb” Fence in America! 20 year WARRANTY!! Stay-Tuff Fence manufactures high quality woven wire fences in both "Stiff Stay" Non-Climb and "Fixed Knot" designs

If You Have Horses On Your Property, Chances Are, You NEED “Stay-Tuff" Horse Fence!
When you have horses, just any ‘wire’ fence won’t do and often an electric, or wood fencing is not enough! If you have openings in the fence (as with electric, wood, steel panels etc), you have openings that can invite a horse to poke his head, his leg or hoof through and we all know how dangerous that can be! At the very least, you are inviting critters like disease carrying possums, raccoons, wild dogs, wild pigs or more to come over and ’share’ your pasture! NON climb fencing prevents your horse from putting a hoof through and slicing off a tendon— or worse! It also discourages the wild life from entering your pasture. You’ve seen our ‘competitor’, but we are here to show you that Stay-Tuff Fence out works, out performs and out lasts the competition!

What Sets Stay-Tuff Fence Apart From our Competitor's Non-Climb Fence?  
Most Non-Climb fence on the market today is low tensile wire with a "Class 1" coating. Our Competitor's Low tensile wire will stretch up to 10% during its life due to pressure from animals, hot and cold temperatures or any impact on the fence.  Also, with the light class I galvanization, this fence may begin to show red rust in as little as 8 – 10 years. 

Stay-Tuff Stays Strong, Stays In Shape— Stays Rust Free Much Longer and Stays Maintenance Free!
Stay-Tuff uses high tensile wire that will only stretch about 1% and we combine it with a crimp in the line wires to give the fence some elasticity and class III galvanization.  Once installed properly, this fence will perform for years without additional maintenance and due to the heavy galvanizing, the fence will not rust for many years.

Stay-Tuff Fixed Knott Equine Fence Is The Strongest, Non-Climb Fence On The Market Today!

If you have horses, you know that not just any wire fence will do. Our "Fixed Knott" Non-climb HORSE fencing is designed to prevent your horse from slipping a hoof through and slicing their pasterns and tendons. Stay-Tuff has the STRONGEST, most RUST-RESISTANT, easy to install, durable non-climb fence on the market today—and with a lifetime 20 year warranty— that is UNDUPLICATED in the non-climb industry!

    •    Fixed knot fence.
    •    Pre-stripped rolls – (all Stay-Tuff fence rolls come with 18” of vertical stays removed from both ends of the roll).
    •    Heavy Duty galvanization.
    •    20 Year Warranty


    •    Installs for less than traditional horse fencing.
    •    Safe 3” spacing holds up to horse hooves and cuts down on expensive injuries.
    •    Stronger and more durable compared to low-tensile horse fence.
    •    Rust and corrosion resistant – lasts 3 to 4 times longer than traditional low-tensile horse fencing.
    •    Holds its shape – the fence fabric gives with pressure and won’t stretch out of shape.
    •    Can be used in conjunction with rail fences.
    •    Faster and easier to build, fewer posts to set, plus our new Redi-Roll feature saves time on stripping roll ends.

Is  Stay-Tuff Easy to Install?  Does It Really Require LESS Posts?

Absolutely! Less posts mean less WORK and less MONEY— you’ll love it! Stay-Tuff fences are easier to install than traditional fences.  Due to our high tensile wire, posts can be spaced at up to 25’ intervals in the fence reducing the cost and labor by using fewer posts.  Stay-Tuff also offers all the fencing tools necessary to make fence installation smoother.  You can view “How To” Videos to make it a snap for anyone!

Is It True That There Is A 20 Year’s Warranty? 
Because of our extra heavy galvanization, all Stay Tuff high tensile class III fences carry a written 20 year warranty against defects in material, workmanship and red rust!

Does Stay-Tuff Ship Nationwide? 
Stay-Tuff sells its products through a dealer network and ships most anywhere in the US.  Just see our “Find a Dealer” area on our site or feel free to call us and we are happy to help you! Our fencing is in high demand and we will do everything possible to help you locate a friendly dealer as close as possible to your location!
What Do People Say About StayTuff Fencing? 

“I had a pick up truck slide down a hill into a stretch of newly installed Stay-Tuff fence during a rainstorm. The fence held that truck back and bounced right back. If it is strong enough to hold our truck, we know this is the right fence to use!”. 
Darrell Moeller

 We have been using the Stay-Tuff with great success. Our clients love how the fence disappears into the landscape- especially the black color. It does the job and doesn’t interfere with the beauty of the ‘view’.

John Payne

 “I had a young colt run into the fence.  I thought he had broken his neck.  Thanks to the trampoline effect of Stay Tuff fixed knot, he was not injured.  There will be no other fence on my property”.
Texas Horse Trainer

 Doesn’t Your Next Horse Fence Deserve To Stay-Tuff?

With a 20 year unparalleled warranty , great looks, ease of installation, extreme durability, toughness and yet just enough ‘give’ to help an animal out that runs into it— there just isn’t another choice! If you are looking for the best Non-Climb wire fencing in the industry, Stay-Tuff is the solution you are looking for. We simply outlast the competition! Call Stay-Tuff today for a "once and done" fencing solution built to last— guaranteed!

Contact: Our Friendly Staff 
2700 Central Ave
Poplar Bluff, Missouri 63901
Phone: 1 888 223 8322
Website: Click Here To Connect

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