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GlycoGuard by Evolve Bio Systems
GlycoGuard is the FIRST "VET RECOMMENDED", Direct-Fed Microbial Gel Specifically Formulated For Nursing Foals!

Why Is A Healthy Gut So Important?
Your horse’s gut is the “engine” to your horse. It is where the immune system develops. Horses are no different than humans—  when your gut does not feel well, you aren’t able to do well or to fight off infections properly— it is the same with your horse. An unhealthy digestive system throws everything off. All mammals immune systems starts in the gut, so lets keep the gut healthy! Glycoguard has no equal and is the best support you can give your foal or horses!

A GREAT Life Begins From Within! How GlycoGuard Supports Gut Health For Your Foal!
GlycoGuard provides foals with the key bacteria selected for the ability to help the foal maximize nutrition already available in mares milk. It is the only probiotic on the market that is clinically shown to effectively colonize and stabilize the foals gut from the start. GlycoGuard remodels the foals Microbiome to unlock the nutrient in the mares milk. Can be used as a preventive or a  treatment for diarrhea in your foals. Most diarrhea related to C-Diff or foal heat. When used as preventive you are starting your foals  guts off right by, putting the good bacteria in their guts from the very beginning.

                                 It All Starts From Within!

So Why Choose GlycoGuard Over Any Other Probiotic For Your Foals?

Very simply, because GlycoGuard is the only probiotic on the market with live active bacteria. We are vet recommended direct-fed microbial probiotic. Its encapsulated bacteria so it is strong enough to get into the gut and colonize and do it magic. Also GlycoGuard is the only probiotic on the market that carries this strain of B Infantis.  No one else  can carry this strain! It is a human grade bacteria.

What Does GlycoGuard Do For My Foal That Is So Amazing?

GlycoGuard helps in foals development by allowing the foal to break down the fatty charbohydrate in the mares milk for maximum nutrition.  So you get bigger and stronger foals from the start when using GlycoGuard. If the gut is not properly prepared, much of the nutrition in the mare’s milk can pass right through without becoming property utilized by the foal’s body. This ability to utilize the mare’s milk comes from the 2 key bacteria that is used in the GlycoGuard: Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, and converted to short-chain fatty acids. This amazing combination has created the only probiotic on the market that is clinically shown to effectively colonize and stabilize the foal's gut from the start!

So How Long Should My Foals Be On GlycoGuard?
Foals when using from the beginning of life its 1 tube per foal.  Can be started as early as 6 hours after they are born. You want them to be nursing for at least 20 mins. There are 8 doses per tube. Each foal is given 10 cc 2 x day for 4 days. Sometime you may need a second tube for a foal. If they have been stressed, had surgery, mom passed away, or has been sick and on lots of antibiotics. When used as a treatment for diarrhea the dosing is the same 10 cc 2x day for 4 days. Glycoguard must be kept cold between dosing.

When using on an adult horse or pony its 20 cc 2x day for 2 days and then to be given once a month or before stressful situation.

Can GlycoGuard Help Horses With Digestive Issues, Senior Horses or Horses In Recovery?
Everyday our horses are put in stressful situations wither it be blacksmith, vet,  surgery, hauling, shows or competition it all effects there guts and how they perform and act. That’s where GlycoGuard can help to put the good bacteria in their guts and keep it there!   GlycoGuard is the only probiotic on the market with live active bacteria. We are vet recommended direct-fed microbial probiotic. Its encapsulated bacteria so it is strong enough to get into the gut and colonize and do its magic. Also GlycoGuard is the only probiotic on the market that carries this strain of B Infantis.  No one else  can carry this strain! It is a human grade bacteria. For a happy and healthy horse or pony!

What About Rescue Horses?
So many people have rescue or horses that are poor keepers— many are drastically under weight with terribly taxed immune systems. Everyone asks “ Can Glycoguard help?”, and the answer is “yes”! GlycoGuard can help your horses achieve and maintain a healthy gut by putting the best combinations of healthy bacteria into the gut. It will help your horses to break down the fats in their feed for better nutrition absorption.  Healthy guts truly mean healthy horses!

What Do Horse Owners Say About GlycoGuard?

Saving Minuteman— Not A Minute Too Early!
Minuteman was born 4 weeks early in the middle of the night.  Some how after he was born he rolled under the fence and got separated from mom till the morning. So he did not get to nurse for 6 hours till morning when Sarah found him.. He was very thin and weak and unable to stand.  Sarah had ordered glycoguard 2 days before to have on hand for when he was born. He was given glycoguard and after the 3 rd dose she said he was a different foal up and jumping around and acting like a normal foal. She also said Glycoguard has helped him to fill out..
I had the pleasure of meeting this little guy when he was very sick. So sick he could not stand. It broke my heart. His mom had a ruptured placenta for 2 weeks before he was born so he Was not getting the nutrients he needed before he was born. So born very weak and small not expected to live said her vet . The owner had heard about Glycoguard bought a tube . He was on Med’s and fluids not doing well.  He had revived his second dose of GlycoGuard and she called me in tears saying his jumping around the stall and nursing like nothing ever happened!!! I have attached a video and picture of him from yesterday.  He is doing great and this is 2 days on GlycoGuard .

Glycoguard is a time saver, a money saver and a life saver.  Over the past couple of years, we’ve had a problem with neonatal foal diarrhea, specifically some cases of C. diff.  Some of the diarrhea was serious enough to require hospitalization of the foal.  This year, every single foal received a tube of Glycoguard beginning at birth and we did not have a single case of diarrhea.  Most of the foals didn’t even show foal heat diarrhea.  I’ve told every breeder I know to try it – it’s been a game changer for us.  We will have Glycoguard in stock for every foaling season!

Overcoming Diarrhea— and Saving The Foal!
A foal at Upenn had diarrhea for weeks, along with a case of Salmonella, and nothing was working. The poor foal was getting weaker and weaker.  I had spoken to Dr. Michelle about trying GlycoGuard. She agreed to try it and within 2 days the foal has solid poop for the first time in her short life. 3 weeks later she is doing great and going home. Thank you GlycoGuard!

Saving A Foal In Albany!
A small foal born early in Albany Wisconsin last month the vet reached out to me. The foal had C-diff and was on fluids and antibiotics and had chronic diarrhea and getting very weak. They had heard about GlycoGuard from another vet in area and wanted to give it a try since this foal was tanking pretty bad. It was after 2 days of Glycogurad the foal was doing much better and after a week was doing great!

A Reproductive Veterinarian Discovers GlycoGuard!
Dr. Ellen Thomas is a repro vet in Va and was having issues with diarrhea in her foals. She had heard about GlycoGuard from Piedmont Equine who was already using our product. She called me to order and wanted to see if this would work for her clinic. She had called me and said in the beginning she was in disbelief that it would work, just thought we were another probiotic. After using on 2 foals she called me and said we have an amazing product and it works she said he saw a difference in weight gain in the foals that used GlycoGuard.

Another Veterinarian’s Foal Saved By Glycoguard!
Dr. Cassey Mahoney’s foal was born septic and not doing well. She had used GlycoGuard and 12 days later her foal was doing great and going to grow up big and strong. She loves our product!! She used Glycoguard on all of her foals this yr.

Premie Foal Saved By GlycoGuard!

Renee Bambach had a foal born early that was not nursing at all. She was trying to bottle feed the foal but still not taking to it. As fast as it was going in it was coming out. Her vet told her to try GlycoGuard. After just 2 doses she saw a huge difference in her foal and after 1 week she was acting like a normal foal.

A GREAT Life Begins From Within!
Order GlycoGuard Today!

The whole point of eating (nursing) is to bring nutrition to the body. If the foal can’t receive the nutrients from nursing, then nursing will not save the foal. Glycoguard is the FIRST Vet-Recommended, direct-fed microbial gel specifically formulated for nursing foals and is making a real difference in their lives— like— giving them a life to have! That’s right, we’re taking credit for saving many lives. Order GlycoGuard today— 8 doses per syringe— and worth every darn dime! Let GlycoGuard make a real difference to the foals in your life and call Caitlyn to order TODAY!

Contact: Caitlyn Caldwell
2121 2nd Street Suite B107
Davis, California 95618
Phone: 610-246-2073
Website: Click Here To Connect

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