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The Ultimate Hoofpick by Equinimity, LLC
With The Ultimate Hoofpick in your tack box, you'll never again have to worry about getting the job done right!

How Did The Ultimate Hoofpick Come To Be?
Horsetrainer Christy Jemail remembers it like it was yesterday: The day when one more flimsy hoofpick gave way in her hand as she was picking hardened mud from a horse's hoof. As a professional trainer, she faced this issue not just with four hooves a day, but with 20 or 32. "Why can't anyone make a decent hoofpick?" she said in exasperation, and decided then and there to create one herself.
Christy began interviewing every farrier she met, asking them what they used for a hoofpick. The astounding answer? Not one of them used a commercially produced pick -- all crafted their own picks on their forges. "Aha," Christy thought. "It’s not just me. There is a huge need for a quality hoofpick."

Working with farrier friends, Christy labored over what would become the Ultimate Hoofpick, crafting prototype after prototype until she knew she had a design that would delight the horseman’s hand and quickly clean all varieties of feet.

Thus, the Ultimate Hoofpick was born… a real tool that is being met with exclamations of joy in every barn it enters. What’s next for Christy? Stay tuned for more inventions.  The Ultimate Hoofpick is just the beginning!

At Only $21.95, The Ultimate Hoofpick May Be The Only Hoofpick Your Horse Will Ever Need!

Comfort and efficiency were top priorities in its design. The ergonomically superior Ultimate Hoofpick is solidly built, worth every penny and the last you’ll ever need, guaranteed. When you have to dig out mud and snow that has turned as hard as concrete in your horse’s hooves, be sure the Ultimate Hoofpick is in your tack box to get the job done quickly and easily, just like a tool should. The Ultimate Hoofpick is available in Yellow... It is 8" long.

The Ultimate Hoofpick Jr (6.5 inches long)  Is Available In Blue or Pink and Only $19.95
  •     Easy grip handle fits solidly in your hand
  •     Superior ergonomic design removes the toughest, packed-in dirt
  •     Built to last a lifetime
What If I Want A BRUSH? The Ultimate HoofPick PLUS is Your Answer!
You asked and we listened! Our Ultimate HoofPick Plus with replaceable Brush is your answer!
This 8.5" long must-have tool comes with a bonus replacement brush, guaranteed not to bend or break. This top of the line choice will make the job of cleaning hooves faster and easier. An essential tool for every equestrian. Only $31.95

: The Brush is replaceable, because the Ultimate HoofPick is designed to work for decades!  The replacement brush is only $8.95

What Does InfoHorse Say About The UltimateHoof Pick?
 Says Ann Pruitt- Director "I have my ORIGINAL Ultimate Hoof Pick for many years now. While the color is SLIGHTLY faded from use, the HoofPick remains like new--- I have never seen anything like it! I have now upgradge to the Ultimate HoofPick PLUS with replaceable brush (love it!) and I can never see myself using anything else. It is amazing! My former hoof picks would "bend" when trying to get out a stone or small rock lodged in the frog--- but Ultimate HoofPick stands STRONG-- it NEVER bends out of shape! 5 Stars!

What Do Professionals Say About the Ultimate Hoofpick?

Rubberized handle improves grip while the wider pick angle makes cleaning hard-packed hooves a breeze.
Practical Horseman Magazine

Heavy-duty hoof cleaner removes debris, including packed mud and snow, from a horse’s hooves without bending or breaking.
Equus Magazine

Top Pick! Gain the upper hand on picking out your horse’s hooves – designed to easily remove any material from your horses’s hooves.
Horse Illustrated Magazine

The Ultimate Hoofpick just gets the job done, quick and easy.
Horse Connection Magazine

You’ll get your money’s worth from the Ultimate Hoofpick. Makes the job of picking hooves faster and easier.

Perfect Horse Magazine

High-grade hoofpick has a grippy, ergonomic handle; steel that’s an unbendable 40mm thick; and a patent-pending pick angle that pries even the most cement-like material from the hoof’s sole.
Horse & Rider Magazine

Superbly effective and precise pick

American Farriers Journal

Is It True That a NEW DESIGN (with replaceable Brush Heads) is Coming Soon?
Shhhhh! It's a secret!! We ARE in the process of patenting a NEW design and we'll let you know as SOON as it is made! SUPER exciting!!

Order Your Ultimate Hoofpick or Ultimate HoofPick PLUS-- Today!

The Ultimate Hoofpick is found in popular online catalogs like Valleyvet, JulieGoodnight, Amazon, Statelinetack and more! Many local tack stores carry it -- and if they don't, ask them "Why not?!" You can also buy the Ultimate Hoofpick right at their website. Call today if you have any trouble finding the Ultimate Hoofpick and never again suffer with a lesser tool to care for your horses hooves!

Contact: Our Friendly Staff 
P.O. Box 900
Lafayette, Colorado 80026
Phone: 303-666-6364
Website: Click Here To Connect

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