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Nitro PRO™ and Laminitis PLUS™ by Equine Science Solutions
Nitro PRO™ and Laminitis PLUS™ by Equine Science Solutions, Two Powerhouse Nitric Oxide Formulas - Help Horses Thrive and Recover from Laminitis

Let Our Nitro PRO™ and Laminitis Plus™ Formulas Help Your Laminitic and Foundered Horses!
Our Natural "PRO" and "PLUS" Formulas work together as an effective team.

Our "PRO" Formulas (Red Labels) help to resolve an acute equine health issue
, while our "PLUS" Maintenance Formulas (Green Labels) help to prevent the re-occurrence of equine health issues and maintain good health in your horse.  Both formulas are competition safe!

Step #1
Start with Nitro PRO™ Nature's Answer to Recovery from Laminitis or Founder!

Nitro PRO to the rescue with Nitric Oxide!  Finally, there is a hard science approach to the treatment of Laminitis. Current research indicates that the lack of normal blood supply to the hoof is a major factor in the onset, reoccurrence, and failure of laminitis cases to heal. Nitro PRO™ triggers the production of nitric oxide to damaged tissues to increase blood flow, stimulate the development of new blood vessels and prevent capillary blockage. Veterinarians are increasingly turning to Nitro PRO™ for the base support for their treatment of laminitis. With the correct diet and trimmer, Nitro PRO™  can help resolve this health challenge.

Help Your Horse Recover From:
  • Laminitis/Founder

  • Hot Joints

  • Sore or Hot Feet
  • Cushings Related Laminitis
Note: Nitro PRO™ is a good product to keep on hand for emergencies! It can make the difference between a quality life and your horse being a pasture pet.

Step # 2 Keep Your Horse on Laminitis PLUS™ Maintenance Formula to Support Full Health after Recovering from Laminitis or Founder!
Laminitis PLUS contains nutritional support for Laminitis (Founder), Sore Feet and Cushings related Laminitis. It is useful after resolving Laminitis with Nitro PRO™. This formula triggers the body to maintain blood flow to the hoof to reduce the re-occurrence of laminitic episodes. We have also added the condition specific nutrients needed to protect the horse from ulcers which often accompany the stress and pain of Laminitis.
Note: "PLUS" added to the Laminitis PLUS™ Formulas are condition specific nutrients; a combination of natural, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, herbs, hoof and coat conditioners and naturally occurring Prebiotics to make this a full spectrum maintenance formula.

It's not about our Products, it's about our Results!

What Do Horse Owners Say About Nitro PRO™ and Laminitis PLUS™?

I love sharing our stories about the formulas that I get from you. Pearl runs like a wild 5-year-old horse, galloping all over in the pasture and in the round pen too. She has been on the Laminitis PLUS formula for years with great success. Of course, I thought she had been on it for long enough, so I took her off if it this spring.  By summer she was lame, the vet said she had Laminitis again. My heart sank I know now she needs more blood circulation to her hoofs as a senior horse and the Laminitis PLUS triggers blood flow for her. She will be on Laminitis PLUS for the rest of her life!  Just to let you know, after giving her Nitro PRO™  for one week she was sound, and we went back to the maintenance dose of Laminitis PLUS and are enjoying our trail rides! Hope all is well with you!  Thanks again, these formulas are awesome!

"We had made arrangements for our miniature geldings to be put down. It wasn't a hard decision to make because we love these horses tremendously and could not bear to see them suffer anymore. Luckily, the vet was not available for a few days. In the meantime, I decided to look up some information over the internet. I was fortunate enough to find your website. After reading all about laminitis, we decided to give it a try. We had nothing to lose and everything to gain... We've been giving the recommended dosage for about 10 days now and the difference in both horses is tremendous! They move with so much more ease! They are starting to act more like themselves every day... The Nitro PRO has made all the difference in the world for our horses. I thank God every day that I decided to find out more information on laminitis. I shudder every time I think about what we almost did to our beloved horses."
Patty & Tomi

"My horse had a right rear suspensory injury 120 days ago. Took him to the vet and he was actually lamer on the front than he was on the rear. Vet said navicular on both front feet. Took him home and pulled his shoes. I had recently pulled the shoes off my other horse and had started using a natural trimmer. I also started this horse on the Nitro PRO AM and Injury PRO PM for the suspensory injury. When I took the horse back for a 90 day follow up ultrasound, the healing to the suspensory was much farther along than the vet had thought it would be. And the horse is 100% sound on the front feet. Vet said, "keep doing whatever you are doing because it is working!" I think this is an excellent testimonial for what the Nitro PRO & Injury PRO products can do for a horse."


"My horse is kind of like my reason for living, and I have tried everything ever suggested as a possible way to help him for over two years now. It's absolutely incredible how much your product has done so far! He used to spend 1/2 of every 24 hours lying down, and now he spends that much time standing up! I just had to thank you for your time in telling me about Nitro Pro, but 'thanks' seems like an awful small word for the hope you have given me!"

B. Montgomery

"We got the Nitro PRO, followed your instructions, and in one week, our horse could jog around our 100' pen without coming up lame! We were both thoroughly convinced he wasn't going to make it; we kept him on Nitro PRO for a month, three times a day... We also exercised him, slowly at first - He was a new horse! By the end of the second week he was bucking like a colt! At the end of the month our farrier came - even he was amazed and convinced - when he took the pads off and trimmed the hoof - the red broken blood vessels in his hooves were gone!!!"


"We were desperate to get this horse well... Turning was painful; getting up from laying down was excruciating. After 19 days on Nitro PRO there was a drastic improvement. When he would walk in a straight line, he was completely sound. At 25 days turning was completely sound. After 30 days the vet came out to x-ray, and after looking at them commented that he had grown a good 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch of hoof all the way around the coffin bone!"


Pearl is now 26 and still acts like a 5-year-old! The Laminitis PLUS formula has saved Pearl, she no longer gets acute laminitis. It's a miracle. We are very grateful to you for this PLUS formula!

Our Formulas are Concentrated, Pure, Natural, and LONG LASTING!
The bottom line is simple; Nitric Oxide helps the body to heal in all mammals. There are other products that produce Nitric Oxide, but they only produce it for an average of 15 minutes, not enough time for the body to heal. Our PRO formulas produce Nitric Oxide for 4-6 hrs. Yes, it costs a little more but it is FAR more effective than competitors with weaker formulations. Our goal is the health and well-being of your horse. Our clients know that when their horses are on our supplements, results happen fast, and that makes it all worthwhile.
Note! If a Laminitic episode occurs give Nitro PRO immediately! one scoop 3-4 x day until episode is resolved. Then you will be giving Laminitis PLUS™ once a day for maintenance. No other product will provide the same impressive and effective result. Feel free to call us for a custom protocol for your horse.

Make Sure Your Horse Has Nitro PRO™ and Laminitis PLUS™
To Resolve and then Discourage the Re-occurrence of Laminitis Today!

For total health, there's no room for stress, anxiety, or discomfort. Our formulas were developed by putting all the essential pieces together. If your horse has Laminitis or Founder, the pain can not only affect their health, but their temperament, quality of life and ability to perform.

Our "PRO" Formulas help to resolve an equine health issue, our "PLUS"Formulas help to prevent the re-occurrence of equine health issues or maintain good health in your horse. The "PLUS" added to the Laminitis PLUS Formulas are condition specific nutrients; a combination of natural, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, herbs, hoof and coat conditioners and naturally occurring Prebiotics to make this a full spectrum maintenance formula!

How Are Equine Science Solutions Formulas DIFFERENT from Other Competitors?

We Are NOT Chasing Symptoms Get to The CORE of The Problem!
Worry that your poor horse just can't take another FAILED supplement? Tired of products that don't do what they promised or take too long to work? Our products WORK, they get RESULTS fast! We have HAPPY CLIENTS and HAPPY Horses! If you are looking to spend money on cheap alternatives, we are here to wait patiently in the sidelines until you decide that your horse needs help and needs it now!

Equine Science SOLUTIONS
offers SOLUTIONS! We help to SOLVE and RESOLVE your horse's health challenges.

Our customers will tell you, there is just nothing like it!
In this case, getting increased blood flow to the hoof can help resolve Laminitis. If your horse has Laminitis, it not only affects their health, but their temperament, quality of life and at times, their ability to be ridden. You'll love the empowering feeling of really supporting your horse with this health challenge.

So, What Is Nitric Oxide?
Nitric Oxide is produced by nearly every type of cell in the body of both humans and animals. It is one of the most important molecules for blood vessel health. It's a vasodilator, meaning it relaxes the inner muscles of your blood vessels, causing the vessels to widen. In this way, nitric oxide increases blood flow.
Note: Nitric Oxide deficiency can contribute to nearly every major disease of our times. Though you may not have heard of Nitric Oxide, scientific research from around the world has demonstrated that it is one of the most significant molecules in the body crucial to creating total health and well-being. Our products were created to increase the Nitric Oxide in the body and provide it with extraordinary health through this Nobel Prize winning technology.  Read more about the "Science" here.

How Can Nitric Oxide Help My Horse?
When the body is stressed, injured or sick it needs Nitric Oxide in large amounts to heal. As an added benefit, Nitric Oxide, with its highly effective anti-infection and antibacterial properties is used by the white blood cells to kill viruses, fungi, bacteria, and other pathogens. Insufficient production of Nitric Oxide can actually slow the body's own healing process. Unknowingly we often actually use drugs and herbs (i.e. Anti-inflammatories) that prevent or weaken the amount of Nitric Oxide that the body produces.

Nitric Oxide is Beneficial to all Areas of The Body it:
  • Alleviates and discourages various forms of pain, arthritis and ailments

  • Improves blood circulation and cardiovascular health

  • Increases endurance levels and performance

  • Improves immune system and combats toxins
  • Encourages bones and wounds to repair

  • Aids the body in healing ulcers fast
  • Decreases post-surgery healing time
Why Do I Start with The "PRO" Formula and Then Go to the "PLUS" Formula- Once the Issue is Resolved?
The PRO formulas are specially formulated to help get a horse out of crisis and back on their feet (so to speak). Once your horse isn't doing well and is recovering, the PLUS maintenance formulas will make sure they STAY on the path to health and well-being. The PLUS formula will keep the blood flowing to help prevent the re-occurrence of Laminitis and ulcers. However, it also has all the vitamins, minerals, herbs and amino acids needed for great health. Making this a one stop shop full spectrum formula. Equine Science Solutions is only interested in quick SUCCESSES for your horse and we know how to get it done! These formulas are amazing, they are powerful and highly effective.

When Your Horse Has a Health Challenge Equine Science Solutions is Your Horse's Solution!
Providing your horse with a natural laminitis resolving and maintenance formula, can help ensure that your horse has the best possible chance for a good quality of life. Make sure that you have a powerful solution in your barn. Both formulas are competition safe and we have additional formulas to help your horse maintain optimal health and performance-- just call us today!

Contact: Dree Ward
1000 N.Green Valley PKWY Suite 440-291
Henderson, Nevada 89074
Phone: 888-917-8565
Website: Click Here To Connect

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