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Arena Protection Covers by Covermaster, Inc.

Our Equestrian Arena Protection Covers by Covermaster, Inc. will keep your arena clean and dry-- fully protected from rain and snow! No more riding cancelations after a rainstorm!

For years, Covermaster, Inc. has been the preferred choice of groundskeepers at sports fields around the world. Covermaster, Inc. has been producing top of the line of Gym Floor covers and Outdoor Raincovers (like Equestrian Arena Covers!), and other sports surface protection products for more than five decades.   Covermaster products help protect the playing surfaces and athletes, and enables you to get the most out of your facility.

Is Your Soggy Arena Costing You Business?

The Equestrian Raincover by Covermaster is the solution! Whether it is boarding, training, showing or working with students, you need your arena! An arena provides a safe place to ride, learn, warm up and school your horse. When rains or snow hit your arena, you can end up with a muddy puddle that is dangerous to both horse and riders.

You need to remember! Seeing frustrated boarders (looking to other stables for ‘indoor arenas’, or disappointed students you have to cancel because it rained the night before), isn’t just upsetting— it COSTS YOU MONEY!
This System Is FAR More Affordable Than Indoor Arena!
Everyone wants an indoor arena…. but most of them cost 1/4 million or more!  The Equestrian Arena Raincover System is far more affordable than building an indoor riding arena!!!  Indoor riding arenas are very expensive, and require extensive municipal approvals and permits.  A Covermaster Equestrian Arena Raincover is a good way to extend the life of your arena, and can save your footing from being washed away.  It will allow you to ride right after a rain storm and has so many affordable benefits.

Can My Equestrian Raincover by Covermaster Help Increase My Income?
YES! Just look at a few very key ways the Equestrian Raincover System can help!
1) By allowing you, your boarders, and students to ride, even minutes after a rain or snow storm! Simply roll up your horse arena cover and enjoy! Imagine their delight in knowing that the arena they depend upon is ‘ready to go’ and as enjoyable as ever!
2) Clinicians that depend upon students being able to ride in the safety of an arena, will look to schedule their events at YOUR facility, knowing that no matter what the weather, as soon as the rain stops, the arena cover can be rolled out of the way and riding can commence!

3) Clinicians that depend upon students being able to ride in the safety of an arena, will look to schedule their events at YOUR facility, knowing that no matter what the weather, as soon as the rain stops, the arena cover can be rolled out of the way and riding can commence!
4) Shows, Barrel Racing Events, can all be notified that you have an arena ready to ‘rent’ if they get rained out! No one wants a canceled show and most will be willing to pay for an alternative place to go. Be sure to let them know about you!

Is There Any Assembly Required or Is It Shipped Ready To Go?

Your Equestrian Arena Raincover is shipped rolled up on a pallet, and will require off-loading the truck.  A standard Dressage size arena cover of approximately 72ft x 200ft will weigh about 500 lbs., and a larger 100`x 200`cover will weigh about 750 lbs., so having equipment to off load the truck will be helpful.


How Do I Install It?

The pallets should be moved into the arena, where it can be unpackaged, unrolled, and stretched out over the arena.  You many need several extra people for the initial installation— your excited clients or trainers, will no doubt want to help.  Remember, you do this once and have a problem solved for YEARS to come! 

What About The "TarpMate Air Roller"?
The TarpMate Air Roller may arrive on a separate shipment.  You will need a portable leaf blower (not included) to inflate the roller tube.   Once the tarp is fully stretched out on the arena, you can unpack the TarpMate Air Roller, and inflate it with a portable leaf blower.  Position the roller at one end of the tarp, about 10ft from the end of the arena, so you can fold the end of the tarp over the roller, tucking in the end so that you can start rolling up the cover.  Roll the cover up to the opposite end of the arena where you will want to store it during the rainy season.   Secure the roller so it does not unroll on its own. 


How Do I Use It To Prepare For Rain?

It is so easy! When you anticipate rain, you can unroll the tarp back over the arena footing, and secure with sandbags or to the perimeter arena fence posts to keep it snug and protected. Then, let the rain come— your arena is protected and going to be good and dry when the deluge is over!

Is The TarpMate Air Roller Easy To Use?

The TarpMate Air roller for your Covermaster Equestrian Arena Raincover System is very easy to use.  After the initial set up, we recommend a minimum of two people to unroll the cover over the arena.  If more people are available it will speed up the process for rolling it back up, especially if there is rain remaining on the cover after it rains.

Is Covermaster Easy To Use and Store?

The equestrian riding arena cover system can be stored at the end of the riding arena during the rainy season, so that it can be deployed at a moment’s notice.  However, when you are anticipating weeks of great weather, the rolled up cover and TarpMate Air together, can be deflated into a long flat sausage.  At this point it can be folded or rolled up, strapped   and carefully be removed from the arena to a clean storage area that is not exposed to the sun.   When rain is once again in the forecast, bring the system back into the arena, unfold or roll out the flat sausage, then inflate the TarpMate Air roller with the raincover on it.  Once inflated, you can then position the system at the end of the arena and roll it back out as needed.

What Is The Cost for a Typical Dressage Arena?

Remember, this is so much more AFFORDABLE than an INDOOR arena!!! Pricing is based on square footage of material required for an arena.  The based width of most raincover material is 12`wide, and we fabricate the covers by heat sealing sections together. Standard width sizes on our Raincovers are fabricated in 12' increments.  Finished sizes are slightly narrower due to seaming.  Additional Charges will apply for non-standard widths.

A typical Dressage Court is 20m x 60m, (65.6`x 197`) 
Therefore the closest standard size without customization would be 72`x 197`. Estimated price would be between $3000 – $5500 depending on level of Material— so much less costly than an indoor arena!  A larger standard size 108`x 200`cover will be in the range of $4000 - $9000. We offer TarpMate Air Rollers in two standard sizes of 75` for about $1900, and a 95`Roller for $2200, and custom length rollers are available.  Please contact Covermaster for a no-charge quotation based on your requirements.

Is There A Choice Selection For The Equestrian Raincover System?
Yes there are three levels of material from our Raincover Max industry standard, to Raincover Premiere light weight,  to our premium Raincover ULTRA cover.  All three products are amazing, so please ask us about the advantages and benefits for each. We will help you find the cover that matches your requirements.
Your Money Saving Equestrian Raincover System is Just A Phone Call Away!
We are here to help!! When your boarders, students or clinicians can't ride in your wet arena-- you are losing money! Our helpful staff will gladly answer all your questions and assist you from start to finish. Just call today and let us get your equestrian riding arena under “cover”— the Covermaster Equestrian Raincover System will change your riding life, increase your business opportunities and save you huge dollars over a covered arena. Call today!

Contact: Our Friendly Staff 
100 Westmore Drive 11-D
Rexdale, Ontario, Canada M8V 3M5
Phone: 800-387-5808
Website: Click Here To Connect

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