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Tie Ease by Rope Lock™
Tying your horse shouldn't be a worry and with Tie Ease by Rope Lock™ you can rest assured that this handy, patented, pocket sized product is safer, faster and easier than tying a knot!

Invented by Avid Horse Rider, Bill Robinson!
Years in the making, Tie Ease by Rope Lock™ was a labor of horseman, Bill Robinson. Bill wanted to find a way to tie your horse that was FASTER— EASIER and SAFER than knots. Bill spent years tweaking ideas and using different models until he was able to create something that is a true benefit to horse owners everywhere. Tie Ease was the end creation and it has been  changing the lives of horse men and women throughout America— and their horses!!

See Bill’s video below! 

Tying Horses Safely and Securely Isn't Just Your Responsibility, It is a Potential LIABILITY! 
Horses are large, powerful and emotional animals. If they get upset while tied, it can lead to pull backs, thrashing, creating a potential for injury to both horse and human that is very real. Should your horse cause damage to him or herself— that is a vet bill, should they cause injury to others or the property of others— that is a lawsuit! Proper tying is vital to both your peace of mind and your horse’s well being. Properly used,  Tie Ease ensures safety to both horse— and those around him!
Here Is How Tie Ease Works...
Wrap the rope around any tie site you normally would choose; Horse Trailer, Tree, X-tie, Trailer Ring, Pole, etc.  
You will see that Tie Ease fits naturally in one hand.  Then place the ropes inside and squeeze firmly. You can determine the tension level to accommodate your horse and needs. 

Are There Multiple Tension Settings To Choose From?
YES! 12-Click Tension settings: 
With 12 pressure clicks, select the one that makes the pull-back difficult. Test this pressure by pulling the rope through Tie Ease.  The first 1 or two clicks may be loose enough to train a young horse but not enough pressure to train an older problem pull-back horse.  By simply squeezing a few more pressure clicks solves the problem by applying extra poll pressure… making it irritating for the horse. Instant relief is given as they give up and stop pulling. They soon learn that pulling back is not fun and refuse to move.  

You’ll Also Love The Convenience of Our Easy To Use Multi-Tie Configurations!
To regulate the length of the pull-back or tie hard and fast without tying a knot, place the free side rope through the hole created the two ropes and the Tie Ease.  The pulling force slides your rope up to the tie site and stops rope from moving. To make it handy for the next use, clamp it back on the rope at the desired tying length or slide it back up to the halter tie ring.
Will  Tie Ease Work On Multiple Sized Ropes?  Is it Less Than $20 For a Set Of TWO?
Yes! Tie Ease comes in a convenient set of two and is less than $20. That is a very reasonable price to pay for tying safety and security. Also, we understand that lead ropes come in different widths. Tie Ease works on all size ropes, materials and stiffness. It will become one of your most used items in the tack room once you get one!
If You Ever Tie Your Horse— You Need Tie Ease by Rope Lock— Order Today!!
Whether it is traveling to a performance show, like barrel racing or eventing, or camping or tying to a tree for a break on the trail-- even just grooming your horse, you’ll find a dozen wonderful uses to use your Tie Ease and you’ll never want to be without it! Looking for the perfect GIFT for your horse buddies— get them a set of Tie Ease clips— they’ll thank you for it! Call and order today!!

Contact: Our Friendly Staff 
4165 Shoreline Dr. Suite 50
Spring Park, Minnesota 55384
Phone: 888-559-4344
Website: Click Here To Connect

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