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Nurtural Bitless Bridles by Circle-X

Nurtural Bitless Bridles by Circle X have perfected bitless bridles with quicker release from pressure, non-slippage and greater responsiveness and comfort!

Has Riding Your Horse Become Less Of The “Dream” You Imagined?
It’s your dream come true. You finally have your horse; your best buddy who loves to be with you. Time to gallop into the sunset. Right?  Then reality hits as you find it frustratingly difficult to get the bridle on your new buddy.  It has to be easier/better than this! Finally the bridle is on and you can go for a ride. Next thing you know your horse is shaking and bobbing its head, jerking the reins out of your hands or its tongue is flicking out the side of its mouth or both! It’s clear your horse is trying to tell you something! It has to be better than this! Nurtural Bitless Bridles by Circle-X can help YOU make it better.

About The Designers, Zoe Brooks and Gerry Guy and the Owner, Sherri Ragth

Gerry & Zoe: devoted horse owners who were looking for better solutions than bits, chains, (and tempers). They found the more they listened to their horses, the more they changed their way of handling them and the better things were for everyone. But it was attending a natural horsemanship clinic with their beautiful Canadian mare named “Hazel” that was their inspiration. Hazel would do anything asked of her in a rope halter, but the minute a bit was put in her mouth, the fight was on! Zoe said “This is ridiculous!” and began her quest to design a bitless bridle that Hazel could enjoy and benefit from using. The Nurtural was the result. After Hazel and her siblings approved, Gerry & Zoe introduced it at the 2005 Royal Winter Agricultural Fair in Toronto.
Sherri Raguth: My bitless journey ‘re-started’ in the summer of 2010 when I happened to wander up to Zoe’s door to ask if I could bring my kids to work with her herd of black Canadian horses. As a kid I had a mare who came to me in a long shanked hackamore – the kind with the braided rawhide noseband and chain curb. I know now that bridle was pretty brutal, especially in my young untrained hands. Zoe was in the midst of a situation caused by a part-time employee basically going AWOL while she was away at a show. Long story short – she hired me to help out and as she says, the longest job interview in history ensued. In 2016, I took over the business while Zoe works to change the world of medical lab quality control.
TrainYourself First Initiative
A. How much time do you spend hanging out with your horse? (There’s no magic number, but spending time together with no agenda is one way to really find the connection with her).

B. Check your emotions – and I mean really check them. Are you fearful from a fall? Are you in a hurry? Are you aggravated by your day or by the last time you were together? Find a way to drop them at the door.

C. Check your expectations. I know that sounds weird but I see everyday how my un-acknowledged expectations steal the joy out of nearly every moment. You can’t have expectations with a horse unless it’s super old and deadbroke.

D. Can you ride bareback? If you can’t or don’t – I can’t recommend it strongly enough. When you ride bareback, YOU train your body to have a frame; YOU train yourself to have a center of balance; YOU gain confidence in yourself. When you have confidence in yourself, your horse will feel it and have confidence too.Just some food for thought!

Why Is It Called The “Nurtural” Bitless Bridle?-- Did we just misspell “Natural”?

It all began when Zoe’s son found a little hummingbird in need of help. He naturally knew to bring the bird to Zoe to “nurture” it back to health. So she decided that would be a wonderful name for this nurturing, more natural way to ride without a bit— and thus, the “Nurtural Bitless Bridle” was born.
How Do I Know If MY Horse Can Benefit From Going Bitless?
First, all horses can benefit! When your horse is no longer distracted by the discomfort of having a hard metal or rubber bit in their mouth, you can expect your horse to relax…. before you know it, your horse will actually lower their head into the Nurtural (Nurture + Nature) Bitless Bridle By Circle-X.
If Your Horse Does Any Of the Following-- They Are Crying Out To Go Bitless!

* Head Lifting or Dipping From Contact
* Heaviness on the forehand or frequently “behind the bit”
* Star Gazing or raising their head high to avoid contact
* Pulling on your hands
What Sets The "Nurtural" Apart From Other Bitless Bridles?
Our Circle-X Stabilizer (see photo at very top in Red) — while other bitless bridles that don’t have the Circle-X can slip, slide, stick (no release!) and be an all-round disappointment; our Circle-X Stabilizer is PATENTED—  used by over 15,000 happy horse riders worldwide— and growing in popularity every day! You can visit our website for full details— but here are some important bullet points!
* The Poll/ Crown Piece Is Solid— this ensures that the rein straps do not become uneven or twist!  This has now been COPIED by other bitless companies so that is a success!
* The Reinstraps Are Shorter With LOTS of Adjustment Capabilities
When fitted properly, the reins attach close to your horse’s mouth— which gives your horse the similar pressure points as using a bit, making the transition to bitless natural for the horse and for your cueing.
* Textured “Grippy” Noseband
While the noseband is loose and comfortable- the grippy texture strip ensures no slipping or chafing and it is NOT settled on nerve bundles to upset your horse.
* Quick Release With The ONE OF A KIND Circle-X Stabilizer
The Circle-X provides a consistent whole head hug that is unique to our bridle with instant release to reward your horse for complying with your cue. When you pull back on both reins for a stop, the first pressure is applied to the nose and as you apply more pressure the Circle-X creates a gentle hug to the whole head. While we don’t believe the tack stops the horse – we hope you will train the horse to respond to your seat, legs and voice – it is undeniable that the whole head hug does get the horse’s attention without extreme measures. The Circle-X is so stable that you can even do a one rein stop when needed!

But...Will My Horse Still STOP In A Bitless Bridle?
It is the TRAINING that stops a horse— not the bit.
A 1000+ pound horse can easily run through a metal bar in their mouth if they have not been trained to “give” to pressure.  The process of learning to give pressure is identical with a bitted bridle as it is with a bitless one— with one exception--no pain! Instead of pinching and squeezing the horse's mouth, teaching him to resist and avoid, the bitless bridle communicates the idea that pressure is ask and release of pressure is reward!
Note: Consistent experience has shown that horses which fight and avoid a bit quickly learn to relax and give to the firm, but clear, message sent through pressure from the Nurtural Bitless Bridle

Is It True That The Nurtural Is Customized To Fit My Horse’s Head?
YES. We will need measurements to see which of our six sizes will be best for your horse. This is unlike any headstall you have ever used as you fit it loosely all over. This amazing bridle is all about pressure and release. Therefore, we would like to help you measure your horse so that we can send you the bridle that is just perfect for your equine friend.
Is The Nurtural Good For Training?
YES… (see the video below) Many people do all their training in the Nurtural, from leading to round pen training and then on to riding. Training without the bit to distract or upset them can make a world of difference!

What Styles and Price Ranges Are Available?
With several gorgeous styles and price ranges from only $114 to $368 everyone can enjoy Bitless for their horses! We have Nylon, Italian Leather, Bling, Western, and Synthetic Styles to beautify and please every horse and it’s owner… once you get yours— be sure to order for a friend, they will be overjoyed!
Get YOUR Nurtural Circle-X Bitless Bridle Today!

Riding is a partnership between you and your horse.
If your horse isn’t comfortable then neither of you will enjoy the ride, let alone able to learn and perform well! Many years in the making and now with over fifteen thousand happy horses and clients around the world, you’ll love our attention to detail, but most of all, you will love making your riding experience a true joy for your horse too. Let Nurture + Nature work for you too with Nurtural!

Contact: Sherri Raguth 
11620 MJ Road
Myakka City, Florida 34251
Phone: 877-877-5845
Website: Click Here To Connect

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