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See Our Horse Insurance Companies Page

Affordable Horse Insurance
Roger Peters Livestock Insurance Inc.

Currently we are in very trying economical times in our country.
 by Conni Peters, Roger Peters Livestock Insurer, inc.

Each of us is feeling the “crunch” of this situation- cutting back on some of our expenses is one way of easing our burden . However, insurance is never a wise place to cut back.  Whether it is on your health insurance, car insurance, homeowners insurance or even you’re horse insurance.  A total loss in any of these areas could be not only financially devastating but emotionally devastating as well.
The vast majority of my clients are hard working-family oriented- middle class people.  In order to own their beloved horse they have borrowed money from the bank to purchase it, or maybe the horse is the love of their life and their link to sanity in an insane world.   Their horse is as much a part of their family as any human.  The #1 cause of death to insured horses is colic.  This condition knows no boundaries.  Not age, not extra special care or even prayer will spare a horse from this unpredictable and many times deadly condition.
You may not be able to protect yourself from the emotional pain of a loss- but you certainly can protect yourself from the financial devastation it could certainly cause you.  Leaving you, “paying for a dead horse” and unable to replace it because of the monetary situation a loss would cause.
Imagine walking out into the barn one morning to feed and finding your horse unable to stand up.  He is colicking-- or worse yet-- he is already gone.  Two phone calls and of course a few prayers will help you get thru this.  First you call your vet so, hopefully, he can save your horse with treatment or surgery. The second call is to your insurance company or agent to report the situation.  Now your horse and your financial situation both have a fighting chance.
the cost of protecting your investment could have been as little as $450.00 per year.  This would have allowed you a return of $5,000 if your horse died as well as an allotted amount of $7,500 to do the colic surgery.  Do you think if you could have seen into the future that you would not have found a way to pay that $450.00???  Of course you would have .  That is why they call hindsight 20/20.  It all becomes so clear when you are in a position like this.
 So please, the next time you think that you ca not afford $1.25 a day to protect your friend, companion and four legged family member… think again!  Simply pick up the phone-make a free call to our office- 1-800-228-8664 and ask for Conni or Stacy.   We have loved insuring America’s horses for over 37 years and we will certainly know how to help you. As horse owners, we know all about loving our animals!

Horse Insurance Policies Offered

Full Mortality and Theft

Livestock Mortality is a Life Insurance policy for your horse, with you as beneficiary. It is an "All-Risk" policy, which will cover death from any cause, subject to certain exclusions, which are stated in the policy.
We will also pay you if your horse is stolen.

We will pay the actual value of the horse at the time of the accident or illness causing its death, not exceeding the value specified in the schedule. If your horse is sick or injured during the policy term You Must REPORT the sickness or injury to the company prior to expiration date of your coverage. In doing so, you will trigger a 12 month extension of the Mortality coverage should the horse die within that time from that reported cause.

When you call Roger Peters Livestock Insurance, Inc., ask your agent about the following optional coverage's available for an additional premium. We offer FREE Emergency Colic Surgery up to 3,000.00 not to exceed the insured value of the horse. Not available with all companies. Talk with your agent.

Major Medical Endorsement

This insurance reimburses the veterinarian's fees for surgery, major illness and disease. We will pay reasonable and customary charges necessitated by accident, injury or illness for your insured horse. There is a $250 deductible for each claim and up to $7,500 limit per animal per year, depending on the company. This coverage will help you control veterinary expenses for unforeseen events related to the health of your animal. Available for horses age 30 days through 14 years.
Surgical Only

Surgical Only coverage available with a minimal deductible. Coverage is for the actual cost of the surgery and will pay up to 50% of that amount for non-surgical charges.

Loss of Use Endorsement - Gelding Only

If your horse becomes totally and permanently incapable of fulfilling the functions for which it is used, as stated on your policy, but its condition does not necessitate destruction for humane reasons, you may suffer a financial loss. The Loss of Use extension will pay you a percentage of the animals insured value. Full X-ray reports and soundness exams are required for approval at the inception of this endorsement. Ask your agent for a full explanation of this coverage.
Equine Personal Liability

In the event your horse injures a third party or damages their property, this policy provides coverage for defense fees and pays claims for which you are legally liable during the policy period. Ask your agent for a full explanation of this coverage.
Accident, Sickness and Disease

Available on PROVEN Breeding Stallions only.
This coverage provides you payment of the insured value of your Stallion, if during the policy term he becomes PERMANENTLY impotent, infertile or incapable of servicing mares due to an accident, sickness or a disease. Talk to your agent for more details.

Roger Peters Livestock Insurer, inc.
1-800-228-8664 phone
1-402-494-8810 fax

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