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Flax Seed Horse supplements
Omega Fields Flax Supplement

Omega Fields ® – Nutrition for the Healthy Equestrian Life
Three reasons your horse should have the health benefits of Stabilized Ground Flax.

Horse Stress, Balance, and Pregnancy – Effects of Stabilized Ground Flax

There seems to be an increasing trend towards supplements that offer a calming or soothing effect on high-strung horses. Supplementing for increased manageability is a hot topic. Some horse nutrition experts believe that equine products used for calming and soothing purposes can be compared to similar products available for humans. It is very important to use them with caution since these products have not been on the market long enough to provide long-term sound results. However, there is a plethora of scientific evidence that Omega-3 essential fatty acids have a natural “calming effect”.

Pregnant mares benefit from flaxDr. Udo Erasmus, Ph.D., one of the best known health gurus today, especially concerning fat metabolism, and the author of Fats That Heal Fats That Kill – explains why. Although his explanation is a bit technical, it is important to understand how natural, proven Omega -3 fatty acids really work in the body: "Essential fatty acids are Omega-6 (linoleic acid - LA) and Omega-3 (alpha-linolenic acid - ALA). Omega-3's seem to have better benefits in terms of energy levels, cancer, high triglycerides, etc. It's the more therapeutic fat in society today. From Omega-6's and Omega-3's, the body makes derivatives, from which it makes hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins come in good-guy and bad -guy varieties. Simply put, Omega-3's make the good guys that block the production of the bad guys. Omega-6's and stress will make the prostaglandin 2's; these are the bad guys. But Omega-3's will block the production of prostaglandin 2's, so they
have a remarkable calming effect. You end up with more energy from them, but you actually feel calmer."   

Keeping everything in the recommended balance is one of the "basic rules" for supplementation. The consequences of the imbalance of Omega-6 to Omega-3 in the diet may show up in any  number of organs and bodily functions -- but the most common are a dull coat with dry itchy skin, skin allergies (including "sweet itch"), cracking thin-walled hooves,  joint stiffness, and excitability. 
Hormonal problems, frequent infections, and immune deficiency also may have their roots in the imbalance of Omega-6 to Omega-3.

The fact is that your horse needs a minimum level of key fats to maintain good health. These are the essential fatty acids (EFAs) -- so named because the horse can't manufacture them in its body , making them "essential" in the diet -- linoleic acid (the Omega-6 EFAs -- found in your horse's pasture, hay and grain) and alpha-linolenic acid (the Omega-3  EFAs found in natural pasture and
flax seeds). Normally, the horse's body contains more Omega-6 than Omega-3 EFAs, so it would seem the horse's diet should match that distribution. But "normal" is somewhat misleading, and therefore the emphasis turns to increasing the level of Omega-3s in the horse's diet while maintaining a good supply of the Omega-6s.  One of the safest ways to add Omega-3 to correct that imbalance is from stabilized ground flax seed.

Flax seed for foalsIt is safe (and recommended) to supplement mares in foal with stabilized ground flax. Pregnancy is one of the conditions most associated with Omega-3 essential fatty acid deficiency. During pregnancy the mare's body becomes deficient in Omega-3 because the fast-growing brain, eye, and sensory organs of her foal utilize all available Omega-3. Omega-3 essential fatty acids are necessary for normal growth and development and cannot be manufactured in the body.
Sufficient amounts of Omega-3 must be added to the mare's diet.  After the colt is born and eating solid food, it should also get Omega-3  – with the amount adjusted according to its weight. One of the safest ways to add Omega-3 to a pregnant mare's or young foal's diet is from ground, stabilized flax seed because it is heavily tipped in favor of the Omega-3s the diet is lacking.

Have a Heart – a Healthy One That Is – With Stabilized Ground Flax Seed

Feeding Flax
If you thought you were spending too much time dwelling on what your horse should eat – RELAX – you are not alone. Truth of the matter is that there really is a lot to think about when it comes to feeding your horses. Heart health isn't just for humans anymore. Perhaps we all have either personally known horses that have suffered strokes or heard about them.
Although equine cardiac study is relatively limited, work conducted in 2002 at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine demonstrated that horses are susceptible not only to the geriatric concerns of degenerative valve disease, fistula, and congestive heart failure, but also pericarditis, arrhythmia, and bacterial endocarditis.

Omega-3 fatty acids from plant sources, such as flax seeds, are important for a healthy heart. Flax seeds (stabilized ground flax) provide an Omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which the horse's body converts to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).Although there are no specific equine studies on the effect of omega-3 on equine heart disease, preliminary laboratory and human clinical scientific research points to ALA (Omega-3) as an effective stroke reducing agent. Research is also learning that ALA appears to protect the heart against arrhythmia, a decrease of the electrical stability of the heart. ALA inhibits atherosclerosis, an inflammatory condition. ALA may also be important in lowering blood triglyceride levels and because of this, it is believed to lower the risk of heart disease. It also reduces the chances of blood clots forming in the vessels. ALA may protect against sudden cardiac death.

One of the safest ways to add Omega-3 to the diet is from ground stabilized flax seed.Flax seeds are the greatest plant source of Omega-3 fatty acids (just as fish is the greatest animal source of Omega-3 fatty acids) and its presence helps balance the ratio between Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids, which is vital to the immune system. Stabilized ground flax for horses is also rich in lignans, antioxidants shown to benefit the metabolic system in many animals.

Of course, we all know that there is nothing that can substitute for a regular exercise program. Extra weight in a low-activity, unconditioned horse can also cause stress on the cardiovascular system – the same as it can do for your horse's best two legged friend – you! Enjoy exercising together and you'll both reap the benefits.

Omega-3 from Stabilized Ground Flax Seed – Good for  Laminitic Horses!

Low carb. Heart healthy. These are popular terms we hear, time and again, in reference to our own health. We supplement our diets with the hope of obtaining nutritional balance perfection. But what about our best four-legged friends? Our horses' domestic diet is a far cry from that of their wild ancestors living on nothing but natural grasslands -- but so too is the type of work we expect
from them. We ask our horses to be resilient athletes, healthy producers, and relaxed companions. As we learn more about our nutritional requirements, what have we learned about our horses' needs for supplements to help them meet what we are asking of them?
Taking care of our horses using health supplementsA huge buzz word is "Omega-3". Just about every time you turn around you encounter one of media channels touting the super health benefits of Omega-3 essential fatty acids. This is the result of literally thousands of scientific studies done over the last 30 years concerning Omega-3 essential fatty acids. Why the buzz about Omega-3? Omega-3 essential fatty acids make up the molecules in the structure and activity of the membranes of all cells throughout the body. (Talk about affecting health from the inside out!) They are vital in the process of new tissue formation. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to play a part in keeping cholesterol levels low, stabilizing irregular heart beat (arrhythmia) and reducing blood pressure. In addition, they may act as blood thinners, keeping (arteries from "sticking") and their anti-inflammatory properties may be useful in treating a number of autoimmune dysfunctions as well as in easing the symptoms (sore aching joints) of arthritis.

Since Omega-3 essential fatty acids are necessary for normal growth and development and cannot be manufactured in the body (that's why they're called essential), sufficient amounts of Omega-3 must be added to the diet. One of the safest ways to add Omega-3 to the diet is from ground stabilized flax seed -- which is one of the richest known sources of Omega-3 of any plant in the world.
Flax seed naturally contains 40 percent oil, of which 55 percent is Omega -3 essential oil – ground flax seed is an excellent source indeed. Stabilized ground flax seed also contains a high amount of insoluble fiber and soluble fiber which is very high in mucilage. Flax mucilage swells and takes on a gel-like consistency that traps and suspends sand, carrying it out, helping prevent sand colic and impaction. The ground flaxseed also acts to buffer excess acid and aids in the stabilization and modulation of blood glucose.  All these things help maintain optimal health.

Another area of interest is the low carbohydrate equine diet (especially the NSC - nonstructural carbohydrate - level) for horses with Cushings, Insulin Resistance, or Laminitis. The dietary management of these horses is very complex and involves controlling the simple carbohydrate level in their diet (absolutely no grain whatsoever of any type, etc.), regular exercise if they don't have laminitis already and very very strict balancing and supplementation of key minerals.

Regarding Cushings horses and whether stabilized ground flaxseed would be good for them, please see the following advice given (and printed with permission) from Eleanor Kellon, DVM -- (Veterinary Editor for Horse Journal and Perfect Horse, and Renowned Equine Health Author).

“Although ground flax has an NSC in the neighborhood of 25 percent , four to six ounces of stabilized ground flax is usually okay.  Flax seed has a 4:1 (Omega-3:Omega-6) essential fatty acid ratio which is very similar to natural grasses. Horses battling laminitis, allergies or inflammatory conditions may do best on ground flax because of the high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and other anti-inflammatory components.”

One of the safest , most economical ways to add Omega-3 to your horse's diet is by supplementing with
Omega Horseshine® -- – formulated with stabilized, ground, fortified flax seed – the only flax -based horse supplement with a full 12 month “FRESHNESS GUARANTEE”!

Omega GRANDE - Omega Grande® COMPLETE is a total-health, equine supplement.

A fun way to supplement Omega-3 is treating /supplementing with Omega Nibblers®
-- yummy treats with the most stabilized ground flax and Omega-3 of any on the market! Flax for horses is a win / win solution.

Omega Fields ®
5703 County Road U
Newton, WI  53063
Omega Fields™ is a Division of ENRECO®, INC. -- Established 1987
PHONE: Toll Free 1-877-663-4203

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