Testimonial from Linda Brown  A Wizards Spell Gypsy Horse Ranch in Burleson, Texas.
Linda Brown is the owner of the largest, most prestigious Gypsy Horse breeding ranches in the United
States. She has imported from England over 30 of these magical creatures as breeding stock, directly
from the Romani nomadic Gypsy people. She now has the finest representations of the breed, went on to
win more accolades repeatedly at the Gypsy Horse World Shows and the Fort Worth Stock Show.
Residing on her ranch is the world's top producing stallion and top three producing mares. Their progeny
have won in everything from driving, halter, Western Pleasure, English Pleasure, trail/obstacle, and more, under all judges at the most prestigious shows.
After 17 years of raising several breeds of horses you can assume I have seen it all as far as new techniques, medicines, tack, etc. Although I was curious about SayWhoa, I certainly wasn't going to just blindly assume it works. I did buy a bottle just to keep around assuming I really wouldn't need it. I was
wrong. Worthington, one of those incredible Gypsy Horse stallions in this breeding program, began his
"drop and roll discomfort" as I was heading to bed. I instantly recognized what was causing his distress;
would be a night of no sleep for me. I remembered about the bottle of SayWhoa ( but couldn't
immediately remember where I had put it ). I located it and gave it to him, frankly not really having high
expectations. I was wrong again. In 17 years I have never seen such a hassle free and quick response
to colic. I am happy to report that he is well and ready to continue producing those award-winning foals.
And I have ordered more SayWhoa by Stops Colic and now put it exactly where I can find it quickly - now that I have seen that it definitely works. Call with questions 817-297-9292 GypsyHorsesInTexas.com
Patty Reller of Gainesville, TX with her 3 year old Gypsy Horse mare, A Wizards Spell Worthingtons Jessamy at the Gypsy Horse World Show at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo. Jessamy won
Three and Four Year Old Mare Halter class and then went on to win the Champion Junior Mare class, and then went on further to win Reserve Champion Mare of all ages! Thank You for the Say Whoa!
donations to the winners. Your contribution as prizes was well used at our show. Patty is holding a
SayWhoa! by Stops Colic, LLC product in her hand. And just so you know, I have talked to contestants
about SayWhoa! and the response I get is this “ Oh YES, we have that in our barn and wouldn’t go
anywhere without it.” THANKS AGAIN for your generous contributions to the Gypsy Horse World Show at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo. Please note that this is a Worthington daughter we
might not have if it wasn’t for using SayWhoa! on him in the past.
Linda Brown - Owner/Breeder A Wizards Spell Ranch in Burleson, Texas gypsyhorsesintexas.com Look for a store near you at SayWhoa.com
Contact: Our Friendly Staff at STOPS COLIC 565 Blackjack Oak Rd Seguin, Texas 78155
Phone: 800-448-8180 Email: info@stopscolic.com Website: SayWhoa.com |
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